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"You think her batteries have run out by now?" Benny asked as they made their way to Ethan's room.

"Probably but she's still-" he stopped as the three stared in shock at the open door and the rope on the floor.

They ran inside and Benny ran to the open window, "Is it too much to hope that she ran out of juice climbing out the window and maybe fell to the compost?" he asked. Ethan didn't reply, however, as he was staring in shock at the dolls on his bed.

"Ethan, what's wrong?" Lily asked, she walked over and gasped as she saw the dolls.

"Mom? Dad?" Ethan whimpered as he held up the dolls, that were his parents, to show Benny.

"I'd say she's now running on full charge,"


"I hope that's your good news face," Ethan said, as he approached Benny and Lily in the school hallway.

"I'm 99.9% sure that I found the right spell," Benny replied. Lily cleared her throat, "Okay, I'm 99.9% sure that Lily found the right spell,"

"Okay, great, let's do it,"

"The only problem is: we can't be sure how Jane pronounced it, so she has to cast the reversal spell herself," Lily told Ethan.

"Wonderful," he replied sarcastically, "And my parents?"

"They should revert back to normal once the spell has been reversed," Benny finished.

"Then all we have to do is find a life-size killer fashion doll and bring her down," Ethan said, "No problem," he sighed, "Have any of you talked to Rory?"

"Yeah, he sent me a text saying he was busy hanging out with his new girlfriend," Benny replied.

Ethan sighed, "He's mad that we didn't let him in,"

"Or he might actually have a girlfriend," Lily suggested, but the three couldn't keep a straight face and they burst out laughing.


As the bell rang, Benny, Ethan, and Lily left class and approached Rory near the lockers, "Hey Rory, we know you're mad about last night but-"

"Mad? How could I be mad?" Rory replied, "Last night was awesome! It's not every day you get to rescue a fair maiden from your clutches, especially one who's so into me,"

"You let Debbie out?" Lily asked, and Rory nodded.

"Why would you do that?" Ethan questioned.

"Because she's hot," he replied nonchalantly.

"Dude, she's a doll!" Benny said, Rory looked confused, "I mean literally, a doll," Rory still looked confused, "As in she's made of plastic!" Benny almost yelled.

"Yeah, all the hottest girls are, aside from you, sweetness," he said, winking at Lily. Benny shuffled closer to her, glaring at Rory, and held her hand. Lily could feel her cheeks heating up.

"Oh, are you two a thing?" Rory asked, furrowing his eyebrows, and pointing to Benny and Lily's hands.

Lily shook her head, whilst Benny started to stutter, "No, I just, uh, my, uh, my hand was cold," he replied, slowly letting go of Lily's hand.

"Riiight," he sighed,  "me and Debbie hold hands all the time, she's such a cutie," he added, gazing into the distance dreamily.

"Rory, get this through your thick, vampire skull: she's not human!" Ethan stated.

"Is somebody talking about me?" The three jumped as Debbie appeared behind them.

"There's my girl," Rory said, "How'd it go with principal hicks?"

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