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Lily stood with Benny as he ordered a jumbo popcorn. Once Ethan had texted him telling him the holy water was ready, she walked away to the main part of the theatre, where the movie was going to be screened. She got there just in time to see a girl have her soul sucked out of her, she gasped at the sight.

"Fire!" Ethan shouted from the corner, everyone started to panic and run outside while Jesse frowned.
The vampires charged at the crowd and souls started to fly towards the 'cubile animus'. Lily ran through the theatre, shooting bolts at anything with fangs; she ran through the hallway and bumped into Benny, "C'mon," he said, grabbing her hand, and pulling her towards all the vampires.
They ran through the movie theatre searching for Sarah and Ethan, until they saw Sarah being cornered by one of the vampires. Before Lily could stop him, Benny ran towards the back of the vampire shouting, "Freedom!" and got punched in the face.

He fell to the floor and Lily ran towards him. "Oh my god! Benny, are you okay?" she asked as she knelt next to him.

"Did I mention that you are really pretty?" he mumbled.

Lily chuckled, "Doesn't that count as flirting?" Benny grinned as he closed his eyes.

"A brave geek is still just a geek," mocked the vampire that punched him.

"He's braver than you could ever be," muttered Lily in reply. She made sure Benny was okay whilst Ethan appeared and threatened the vampire. She watched him throw a lighter into the air and before she knew it holy water came out of the sprinklers on the ceiling.

The group headed outside towards the car with Ethan carrying Benny on his back, "Tell grandma to answer the phone," he muttered.

"Hold on B, stay with me," Ethan said as he balanced him against the car, "Lil, make sure he stays stood up and doesn't fall," Lily nodded.
Ethan tried to persuade Sarah to come with them but she was too weak, so the three of them got in the car and drove off. Lily sat in the back with Benny's head on her lap whilst Ethan drove.

"Okay, Jesse must be taking the 'nest of souls' to where his followers are buried, um, where is that?" Ethan said in a panicked tone.

"Could ya tell Lily I think she's really pretty? If I do then it would be flirting and I'll lose our bet, ha! Ow," Benny said, Lily's cheeks went red as Benny led back down on her lap.

"What about the prophecy? The answers have to be in there right?" she asked Ethan, ignoring what Benny had said.

"Yeah um, okay, the prophecy says: 'the dead take root, the barren orchard bears the devil's fruit.' Okay, uh, barren orchard, Benny-"

"I really want to kiss her, she knows my address, right? 53 orchard park, anytime!" Benny slurred, Lily again went bright red.

"Oh god! I think he might have a concussion," Lily said as Benny sat up and rested his head on her shoulder.

"Wait, the tree! The tree from my visions! I know that tree! It's not possible," Ethan muttered.


They pulled up to Ethan's house as he explained to Lily and a passed-out Benny that the tree from his visions was in his garden.

"Okay, Benny, we're gonna call your grandma to come and get you okay?" Lily said, gently touching his cheek.

"We've got four minutes left to save the world," Ethan added, looking at his watch.

Ethan and Lily walked towards the tree as Jesse came out from behind it, "Funny how they name streets after what they tore down to build them, this used to be an orchard." he said, "one of my favourite spots until your idiot ancestors burned my flock alive,"

"Yeah, well, I'd say their only mistake was not finishing the job," Ethan shot back.

"You made me miss my target," Jesse smirked, "So the rest of my flock may have to wait a little longer, that's fine. I still have enough dusker souls here to resurrect some of the most powerful vampires that ever lived, and you two will do the honours of being their first midnight snack."

"You won't have to wait," Lily said, glaring at Jesse.

"Yeah, 'cause we're gonna reunite you with your flock right now, just not in this world," Ethan added as he pulled out a knife.

Jesse waved his hand and the knife flew out of his hands; he used magic to push the two towards the ground, they were struggling to move.

"It's funny Ethan, I knew you're grandfather's grandfather, he was a loser too," Jesse chuckled as the two struggled under his magical grip, "Can't fight your way out of this one, huh, witchy?" he snarled at Lily as she groaned.

"Courage!" Benny yelled as he ran towards Jesse, who shoved him towards Lily and Ethan on the floor.

"You really need to stop doing that!" Lily told him, he groaned in response.

"The hour of rebirth has come!" Jesse said as he held the nest of souls up towards the moon, "Brothers, sisters arise!"

Out of nowhere, Sarah pounced on Jesse, causing him to drop the 'cubile animus' into Ethan's hands. As she was weak, Jesse quickly managed to hold her up to the tree by her neck.

"Hey, we've got your friends in a box!" Ethan said, smirking at him.

"And I've got your babysitter!" Jesse shouted.

"Okay, she's really Jane's Babysitter,"

"True," Lily added.

"Give me the 'cubile animus' the souls must be transferred, now!" Jesse yelled frantically.

"Just give it to him, what are we gonna do with the nest of souls anyway? Ebay it?" Benny muttered to Ethan and Lily, causing her to hit him on the arm, "Benny!"

"Now, hand it over or she dies!"

"Ethan, no don't," Sarah stammered.

Lily closed her eyes to think of a spell, "Almus, alphras, alnock, gatran!" she shouted at the same time as Jane and Evelyn did from Ethan's window. A bolt of lightning hit Jesse and he dropped Sarah.

"Hey! You can have the box, but not what's inside. You wrecked their premiere, now you deal with them!" Ethan yelled, as he opened the box.
All of the souls flew out and passed through Jesse, causing him to scream in pain each time.

"No! What have you done!" He turned to dust on the grass beneath them and Benny turned to Sarah, "Can't believe you dated that guy,"


"Faulty 3D glasses? Who's gullible enough to believe that?" Sarah chuckled as the four walked towards school.

Lily chuckled, "These are duskers we're talking about, remember?"

"Besides, town is safe, Jesse's re-joined his flock, it's all good, right?" Benny shrugged.

"Yep," Ethan nodded, "You're not still dying are you? I mean, your mortal body seems to be doing just fine," he turned to Sarah.

"Thanks, well, Benny's grandmother makes a mean human blood substitute," she replied.

"That, and, she found my spell book,"

The four turned to see Rory and Erica, who awkwardly waved.

"It's pretty much all over," Lily sighed.

"Let's go to class," Ethan said, as he and Sarah walked into school.

"Wait, Lily," Benny grabbed Lily's arm and turned her towards him, "So, it's been a week, I haven't flirted, you know what that means?"

Lily sighed, Benny closed his eyes and got ready for the kiss, whilst Lily had an idea. Instead of kissing his lips like he was expecting, she kissed his cheek. He opened his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows, "But, but I said-"

"Nope, you didn't specify where I had to kiss you," she smirked, walking off towards the school.

"This isn't over," Benny called after her, she chuckled and shook her head, no it definitely is not.

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