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Lily and Sarah approached Ethan at one of the school's vending machines, his candy bar wasn't coming out, so Sarah hit the front of the machine and around five or six candy bars fell out of the bottom.

"Is that one of your fledgling powers?" Ethan asked, picking up one of the candy bars from the floor.

"Not a power, just a perk," Sarah replied, as the three sat down.

"So, where's your new jock bff?" Lily asked, "We saw you two with David,"

Sarah sat next to Ethan, whilst Lily sat opposite them, "The whole thing's weird," he told them, "It's like the lions have started hanging out with the zebras,"

"Who's got two thumbs, three free candy bars and is best friends with David Stachowski? That's right, this guy!" Benny said, as he sat next to Lily on the couch opposite Ethan and Sarah, "Hey babe, candy bar?" he put his arm around her and held out one of his candy bars; Lily took it and thanked him, as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"It gets worse," Ethan continued, "It's like he's inserted himself into my life,"

"So, he eats all your food, that doesn't mean you should break up a good bromance," Sarah chuckled, squeezing Ethan's cheek.

"There's more," Ethan groaned, "The guy howls,"

The group turned to see David pick up one of the candy bars on the floor behind them, he did a wolf howl as he unwrapped it.

"A lot of dudes' howl, it's a jock animal thing," Benny reasoned.

Ethan sighed, "I can't be the only one who's noticed how hairy he is,"

Lily shrugged, "A lot of guys are hairy,"

"It's basic math, howling plus hair plus this town equals-"

"Awesome," Benny cut in.

"Werewolf," Ethan finished, as Benny repeated him.

"Ethan, not everything is supernatural," Lily chuckled.

"You're obsessed," Sarah added.

"Yeah, maybe he's just hanging out with us because he really likes how cool we are," Benny smiled.

Sarah, Ethan, and Lily looked at Benny, their eyebrows raised, before saying, "Yep, he's a werewolf,"

"Okay, we prove that David's a werewolf, then we figure out what he wants," Ethan planned.

Sarah rolled her eyes, "I've got better things to do than stop back shavers,"

"Like what?" Benny asked, as the they stood up.

Sarah walked towards the door, "Soccer try-outs," she told them before she left.

"I think she was serious," Ethan muttered.

"I'm sure she'll be fine," Lily said, although they all knew that Sarah and soccer would not mix well.


"Dude, we've got it, a spell that will totally prove David's a werewolf," Benny told Ethan, as he joined him and Lily near the front of the school, "One hit and wham! Claw and tooth time, we film it, put it on the internet and two million views later, we're famous,"

"Guys, if there's a werewolf in school, we're gonna need to find a way to stop him from hurting anybody-" Ethan said, unsure about their plan.

"Look, you wanna know if he's a canine, right?" Lily asked.

"Yeah, it's better to find out now, and on camera!" Benny added, pointing to the camera in his hand.

"As long as it's Lily doing the spell, I don't want anything to go wrong," Ethan said, Benny frowned whilst Ethan sighed, "fine, Benny, you can help, as long as you don't mess up,"

"Look, there's a full moon on Friday-" Lily continued.

"Yeah, David may be part animal but he's all money," Benny grinned as he cut her off.

"Hey guys, who's a party animal?" Rory asked, joining the three, "It's me, right?"

"No, it's David, don't worry about it," Ethan said.

"Are you having a party? Because my Friday's wide open, and Saturday, and Sunday," Rory questioned, eager to hang out with his friends.

"Sorry Rory, it's just, we're going to the... um," Lily stammered, looking to Benny and Ethan for help.

"Garlic and tanning bed convention," Ethan finished for her, "it would be so cool if you came but, you know, you'd burst into flames, next time?"

"Yeah, for sure, I'll see you guys later," Rory's smiled dropped as he walked away.

The group looked at each other and sighed, "Harsh," Benny stated.

"It had to be done," Ethan shrugged, "if David really is a werewolf, he'd tear Rory to shreds, wolves and vamps are, like, arch-enemies,"

Ethan walked away from them, out onto the school field, whilst Benny turned to Lily, "We're still on for tonight right, you teaching me some magic?"

"Sure," she smiled, kissing his cheek softly.

"Cool, magic lessons with my favourite girl, sweet!" Benny replied, putting his arm around Lily as they followed Ethan onto the field.


"Alright, one little spell and things are about to get furry," Benny said as he and Lily looked through his spell book, the jocks playing football in front of them.

"Heads up, awkwardness at twelve o'clock," Ethan said, pointing to Erica, who was stood on the other side of the field, cheering for David. He looked at her and got distracted, so he ended up getting pushed to the floor.

"Benny, Lily, do it now, zap him," Ethan said, as David was on the floor.

"Zap him?" Benny questioned.

Lily scoffed, "This is magic not Star Wars, totally different geek universe,"

Benny turned to her and smiled, "And that is why you're my girlfriend,"

Lily chuckled before they said the spell, "Domlaf, Lupus, gorkanod," A yellow bolt came out of their palms and hit Ethan instead of David, Ethan fell to the floor.


"Sorry, I got nervous, anyway, don't worry, you're not a wolf, you'll be fine," Benny shrugged, turning to face the football game.

The two did the spell again and this time it successfully hit David, Benny got his camera out, but nothing happened.

"That dude is so not a werewolf," Benny sighed.

"Enough, there's only one way to do this, cover me," Ethan said as he dropped his bag to the floor and ran out onto the field. He caught the ball but then got tackled by David; Lily saw him have a vision.

Benny and Lily ran over to him once David had left, "David's definitely a werewolf," Ethan stated.

"But the spell didn't work," Lily said, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Trust me, he's a wolf, I saw it, I had a vision," Ethan told them.

Benny pointed to his arm, "Then, uh, we have a problem,"

On his arm was a scratch from David, Ethan's eyes widened, "Please tell me I'm not gonna turn into some kind of werewolf jock!"

"No way, it doesn't work like that, you'd be a werewolf geek,"

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