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   Then I see something. It's Chloe. It's Chloe, boarding her flight. "Chloe!" I yell, but she doesn't hear me and she disappears in the tunnel. My heart breaks when I can't see her anymore. I want to run to the gate to see if she's still in the tunnel, but my legs don't move. I stand there, heart broken, not knowing what to do next. Then m, I have an idea.

   After calling my driver and arriving back at the house, I run to my room to pack a suitcase. As I run, and almost fall, down the stair, JinJin stops me. "What's going on dude?" He asks. "I'm going after Chloe." I tell him. Then, without letting him finish, I rush out the door and close it behind. My driver is already waiting for me outside. He takes me back to the airport. I go to the ticket place and say, "One ticket for the next flight to Cleveland, Ohio." and slam my credit card down in front of the teller. He hands me my credit card and my ticket. My flight leaves at 7:45 pm and it's 6:58 pm. While I wait, I get some food and a drink.

   It seems like years before I actually board my flight. When I do, I find my seat and sit down. I put on my headphones and settle in for a hopefully smooth flight.

   When I land, I get out of the airport as quick as possible and get a hotel room. I'm so tired from the flight because some kid behind me kept kicking my seat. I through my bag on the ground and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

   I wake up to chirping birds the sun's rays peeking through the window curtains. It takes a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to the light. I prop up my pillow and lean back, thinking of ways to find Chloe. I could just call her, but I don't know if I should. By the end of it all, I decide to call Lily.

L- hello?
Me- Lily!
L- Sanha? Is that you?
Me- yes.
L-hey. All my contact names got erased for some reason. What's up?
Me- I'm in Cleveland.
Me- yeah I came because...I need to see Chloe.
L- why?
Me- because I think I love her.
L- WHAT?! You love Chloe?!
Me- we kissed a yesterday an-
L- wait hold on a minute. YOU TWO KISSED?! Why the hell haven't I been informed?!
Me- look I'll explain later I just need to know where you guys are staying.
L- ok fine but you have to tell me every little detail if I tell you where we are.
Me- I promise.
L- ok. We're staying downtown at the Ritz. You'll need someone to get you in so I'll be there.
Me- omg thank you so much I'm leaving right now!
*Call ends*

   I shove my phone in my pocket and leave for the Ritz hotel downtown. I decide to walk because I'm not very far from it and I don't feel like renting a car. It takes me about 20 minutes to get to the Ritz. When I get there, Lily is waiting for me in the lobby. I try to walk in but my legs don't move. Maybe I'm nervous about talking to Chloe. It takes me a little bit but soon enough I force my legs to move. "Lil-" I begin to say then I get struck by something and everything goes completely black.

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