The Stranger (Duncan x Courtney)

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"You're being let go on this one buddy, but only because we have more important things to deal with right now"

Duncan sighed in relief as the two policemen unchained his handcuffs, climbed into the squad car, and drove off, blaring sirens as the car got further and further away. He didn't really know where he was. This was a part of town he didn't visit very often, and with good reason. This was the rich part of town, 'Nob Hill' as his buddies call it. He didn't know exactly which way to go to get back to his crappy trailer house that always smelled in alcohol and dust, so he started walking down the perfectly placed pavement that lined each side of the road. 

All the houses in this area looked more like Manors, most several stories high. It wasn't like Duncan to appreciate modern architecture, but found himself stopping to examine a large, brick house across the street from him. Everything was perfectly aligned, vines grew up the sides like in those cheesy stock photos. A redwood fence separated the perfect lawn from the grimy streets that crawled with people like Duncan. Lacey, white curtains hung in every window, but while Duncan had been staring at those curtains, he found them opening to reveal the lovely, tan face of a girl. 

Meaning to look away and start walking, Duncan instead stood and stared into the girl's window. He could tell she was staring back at him. he didn't want to know what nasty things she was probably thinking about him, but it didn't really cross his mind. He was too dumbfounded by her clean beauty.

It had probably been five minutes of the two just staring at each other. Duncan from across the street and the girl from her window. Duncan's legs were getting tired, not just from standing but also from the police chase he had just recently experienced, so without taking his eyes off the girl in the window, he sat down in the grass of the house he had been standing in front of this whole time. After he sat, and focused his gaze back onto her, she turned away, her hair swishing behind her as she ran away from the window.

I knew I'd just scare her off. I'm in the wrong neighborhood to be making friends.

But he didn't have the motivation to move. Instead he stayed put, his eyes fixated on the parted curtains where a beautiful face had been less than a minute ago. His attention cracked when he heard the front door to the house open. He stood up, ready to make a run for it, but when he saw the girl from the window strutting towards him, he froze again. She had the kind of body most girls dream of having, and her hips swayed confidently with each step she took. If he wasn't mistaken, he could see a light smile on her delicate face. 

"I, uh, sorry for, uh"

"Hey, I'm Courtney!" She beamed, cutting off his nervous apology. She stuck out her arm, offering Duncan to shake her small hand. He obliged, and forced himself not to smile at her. He had to maintain his composure.

"Duncan" he replied, trying to sound tough, but ended up in a coughing fit. Courtney giggled a little, and he loosened up a little at the good-natured girl. He stood up straight and cleared his throat.

"Sorry I was, uh, staring at you, I just uhh..." 

He was at a loss for words, which was rather embarrassing, but judging by Courtney's giggle and soft smile, she found it cute. 

I'm not cute! I'm tough! I'm not meant for rich girls like this!

That's what he wanted himself to believe, but he knew that girls like that had a way of worming their way into his iron heart.

"It's okay, I was staring too, it was like a fairy tale or something, er, sorry, I didn't mean to say that out loud, I just, er, it's fine, sorry" she stuttered, ending with a slightly embarrassed smile, but still both genuine and beautiful. 

"You're just really pretty," Duncan murmured in a dreamy voice, "I couldn't help but stare"

She giggled again, her face slightly flushed.

"You can come inside if you want Duncan, unless you have somewhere to go" she offered hopefully.

"Hey, the longer I stay away from my house the better," he replied, "So yeah, I can hang"

Duncan followed Courtney into her elaborate house. The second he walked in, he knew he didn't belong in such a regal environment. She commanded him to take off his ratty shoes at the door, and then led him up a carpeted staircase to a pristine bedroom that was decorated with flowy lavender curtains contrasting from the perfectly white carpet and walls. She offered a seat to him on her bed. When he sat, she sat beside him, close enough to make his skin tingle, but not so much that they were touching. 

Duncan swept his eyes around the room, but when he looked back up to Courtney, she was gazing at him with her head cocked like a curious puppy. He flicked his eyebrow up, making an expression that asked her why she was staring at him like such.

"So, Duncan. Tell me about yourself"

"Well, what do you want to know?"

His plan was to not bring up the fact that twenty minutes ago he had been chased by the cops for vandalizing the fire station walls. 

"Well, uh, I'm a junior at Chaffey High, I like to play basketball, but not on the team, and I'm not exactly from this part of town"

"No kidding. Are you lost?"

She had genuine concern in her beautiful, onyx eyes.

"I'll be okay. I have a good sense of direction"

"Okay" she said softly. Her tan skin was radiating enough to make Duncan's tattooed, scarred skin tingle.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?" 

Duncan chuckled.

"You aren't concerned that you just invited a total stranger, a sketchy looking one at that, into your house?"

Courtney blushed a little, looking slightly embarrassed.

"That wasn't exactly my main concern" she muttered. Duncan patted her shoulder consolingly.

"I'd love to watch a movie Princess, which ones you got?"

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