Lifeguard Duty (Tyler x Lindsay)

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"Tyler that's probably not such a good idea," warned Trent from the pool deck, "you kind of have a history of, you know, hurting yourself"

Tyler pumped his fist, and started to climb the ladder of the high dive.

"No worries man, I got this! I was on the diving team in grade seven!"

Noah looked up from his book.

"Jumping off plastic chairs doesn't count buddy"

Tyler ignored him and kept climbing to the top of the diving board. Admittingly, it was a lot scarier from up there then down on the deck, but that was no reason to chicken out now. 

"I'm no chicken" he whispered to himself.

"Don't be a chicken!" yelled Noah. But Tyler misheard.

"Chicken, where?!" Tyler said, jumping backwards, allegedly making him fall off of the diving board. Trent and Noah watched him flail his arms until he fell into the pool. Waiting for him to resurface, Trent jumped into the pool and looked for the dude, to find him struggling to get to the surface.

"Lifeguard!" Trent shouted. 

"Lifeguard!" Noah chimed in, finally expressing concern for the kluzy Tyler.

"I'm the lifeguard!" A blonde girl cheered from a tall chair with a fashion magazine in hand.

"Congratulations, now come help this drowning kid!" Noah yelled.

The blonde girl climbed down from her chair and stood at the edge of the pool.

"Hey drowning man! Swim!" She said with a bubbly tone in her voice. Noah stood up, grabbed the life saver, threw it around the lifeguard's head and shouted at her to use her brain.

The girl took the tube and threw it to Tyler. He quickly latched on, and Trent helped the lifeguard pull him onto the deck. He spat out the water and looked at the girl. She was gorgeous and friendly looking, and had the body of a goddess. She sported a bright red bikini and her hair fell perfectly down her back.

"Hi" Tyler mused. He could practically hear Noah rolling his eyes.

"I'm Tyler"

The girl smiled.

"I'm the lifeguard!" She beamed.

"He's asking your name idiot!" Shouted Noah who hadn't gotten in the pool at all.

"Oh! I'm Lindsay!"

Tyler blushed a little when she helped him onto his feet.

"Thanks for saving me Lindsay" he said with a smile.

"You're welcome! Hold on" she muttered and ran back to the lifeguard chair and came back with a purple marker. She grabbed his hand and wrote down a phone number on it.

"Call me sometime, and maybe I can give you swim lessons"

Tyler smiled without looking offended.

"Thanks. I will"

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