Surprise Surprise (Noah x Cody)

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Cody knocked enthusiastically on the Sterecra's front door, stepping back to let the door swing out when it was opened by Mrs. Sterecra.

"Is Noah home?"

She nodded and called for Noah in a heavy Hindi accent. While his parents hailed from India, Noah had shaken off all traces of the accent in his speech and replaced in with a nasally, sarcastic tone.

Noah dragged himself to the doorway wearing a red sweater vest over a blue button up, layered on top of a white long-sleeve.

"The mailman delivered a 12 year old geek?" Noah smirked sarcastically at his friend.

"Shut up Noah!" Cody spat defensively. Noah bid goodbye to his mom and sat himself in the passenger side of Cody's little Masada car. The floor of the car was covered in skittles wrappers and empty Mountain Dew bottles.

Cody, only recently being licensed, gave Noah a jerky ride over to his place.

"Are your parents home?" Noah asked with caution.

"Nah, they're both at work. Does that mean we get to cuddle?"

Noah laughed at Cody's innocent request. The two had been secretly dating since the end of Total Drama World Tour, and every weekend they would go to one of their houses and watch Revenge Of The Island together.

"Still on team Mike?" Noah asked as Cody unlocked the door to his house. The smaller boy nodded.

"He's just so nice!"

Noah chuckled.

"I prefer Scott"

"But he's so mean! He got Dawn voted out!" Cody gasped at his boyfriend's remark.

"I've been telling you since this show began! I like it when boring characters are sarcastic" Noah defended, sitting down on the couch. Cody sat beside him and reached for the remote, but was stopped when he was pushed flat on the couch with Noah on top of him. The Indian boy leaned down to passionately kiss him. Cody obliged and melted into the kiss. He could feel Noah's hands wrapping around his waist, pulling the two closer.

The moment was broken with both boys erupting in a fit of giggles. The two fixated on the couch so that Noah was leaning against the arm and laying across the couch, and Cody was suggled on top of him.

Noah reached for the remote and turned on the TV to TeleToon. Not ten minutes into the show, Cody had fallen asleep, his body sprawled across Noah. He wrapped his arms around the sleeping boy and rubbed his back until he felt his own eyelids getting heavy.

By this time, Noah would've been asleep, had he not been waken by a shouting coming from outside Cody's window. Looking through the glass was Geoff and Duncan looking only slightly shocked at the two boys wrapped around each other.

From outside the room, Geoff shouted something along the lines of 'I had no idea man!'.

"Is it really that surprising?" Noah shouted back, waking up Cody. Duncan shrugged and walked away without saying a word, soon followed by Geoff, leaving Noah and Cody alone again.

Still half asleep, Cody sat onto his knees facing Noah.

"What was all that about?" He asked innocently, rubbing his eyes.

"Einstein and Newton decided to interrupt"

Cody laid back down into Noah's embrace, nuzzling into his chest.

"Every dang time" he muttered before closing his eyes and drifting off.

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