Chapter 23

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Fiona's P.O.V

I popped a French fry in my mouth without taking my eyes off him. "What's the matter?" He glanced up at me.

"Nothing." He smiled. I didn't believe him but I just ignored it. "What do your tattoos mean?" Jace asked swallowing a mouthful of his burger. " you mean the one on my hand that says who am I?"

He nods. I sigh. " it basically just means who am I and my Jennifer, and my Fiona, or am I someone I haven't discovered yet."

I shrugged. "Interesting. You know who I think you are?" I raised my eyebrows. "What?" I questioned. "Beautiful and strong." He said putting emphasis on the last part. I smiled and slightly laughed.




After eating we went back to his house. "So what do you think we should do?" Jace askes.

",We need to move away right away. It is not safe." Jace sighs as he plops down on the couch. "Do you really think that's what we need to do here? I mean really, I think we'll be fine under the police's protection."

I stand there in shock. "Are you serious?" he stares at me and shrugs. "Tell me you're kidding!" I slightly yell. "C'mon Fo this is not worth moving for!"

" we've been through this hell hole before and I think you should know how serious it is. People died last time. I'm not having this happen again, no way!"

I yell at him getting teary eyed. "Oh wait nevermind! Take that back! It's already happening!" I screamed crying throwing my arms in the air. Jaces face turned pale.

"Hey, come her. Come here." He soothed. I sobbed once then walked over and sat next to him. He grabbed my head and gently pushed me into his chest.

"Its okay, things are not going down like they did last time. I cried in his some more. Most of the reason why I was crying was guilt I didn't tell Jace something that I think he should know.

All I know is I'm going to do all I can to protect me and my family...even if it means moving away. "I'm so scared." I sobbed in his chest. "Fiona what's the matter? You weren't acting like this before.

You just turned all emotional out of no where." I sat up and looked at him in the eyes.

3 days later

I walk down the stairs and see Jace sitting on the couch looking at his phone. "Jace, have to tell you something." He furrowed his eyebrows. "I- Im..."

I got cut off by both our phones beeping at the same time. We shared a panicked look and grabbed our phones really fast. I opened it up.

Roses are red violets are blue you are Fo's baby and she has something to tell you. 👶
My heart falls into my stomach. How did they know? I ask myself. Jace furrows his eyebrows. "Fiona what does this mean?" I open my mouth but know words come out.


Finally updated!!😆




Fight Together (Sequel To Neighbor Next Door) Jace NormanWhere stories live. Discover now