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After helping Damon rescue Caroline and Tyler, from being ingredients to Klaus's stupid ritual I headed home and left Damon to mess things up by himself.

I approach the house just as my mom comes rushing out. "Mom." I call out but she is still freaking. "Mom! What the hell is happening? What are you doing? Why are you in such a rush?" I shout, finally getting her attention.

"Aliya, I have to go-Elena, she called me. She needs my help." She rambles, obviously worried.

Why would Elena involve my mother? She knows she couldn't help..Kathrine, that bitch.

Suddenly mystery guy from the bar shows up and I furrow my eyebrows, what the hell? "Eh. Hello? What do you want?"

There was a smirk on his red lips as he stares at me, and glances at my mom. "Well hello again love. My name is Klaus, I'm surprised you didn't know. I do wish we could have met on better terms, but well-" he vamp speeds to my mom and shoves his bloody wrist in her mouth. I see tears in her eyes as she mouths 'I love you' before Klaus snaps her neck.

"No!" I cry out loud, finally letting the tears that have gathered in my eyes fall. "Why did you do this?" I shout as I rush to my mom's dead body.

I cradle her body in her in my arms as I look up at the Hybrid. A flash of guilt goes through his eyes but it's gone as soon as it came. "I needed a vampire, Jenna here was perfect for that role."

I shake my head, using my sleeve to wipe my tears away. "P-please. Don't use my mom. Please!" I sob.

He tilts his head, "and why would I spare your mother?"

"I'll do anything! Name your price, just please. Use someone else." I beg, slightly cringing inside on how much of a cry baby I sound like.

"Hmm..anything?" He smirks, I can tell I made a mistake saying that. "Okay. I'll let Jenna live. Under one condition, love."

I snap my head up, surely my eyes are blood shot and my makeup is most likely anywhere. "When I leave this god awful town, you'll come with me. And you won't try to escape." He proposed.

Slowly, I nod my head. Knowing I've just made the biggest mistake in my life. Deal with the devil, perhaps?

And with the blink of an eye, he was gone. And I was still her, dead mother in my arms.


After Aliya made the deal with the devil himself, Niklaus Mikaelson she called Stefan Salvatore after countless attempts of calling Damon.

He was upset that she had made the deal, but he couldn't help that selfish part of himself that he was glad that it was Aliya and not Elena.

No matter how hard he tried to push the thought away it came back. If it came down to it, he'd choose Elena each time. He loved her, but to others that isn't enough for someone to basically give up their life.

But Stefan knew that Damon would be devastated if he had to fund out himself. Just then Damon's name flashed on his phone. "Hello?" He answered.

"Listen, Stefan. Jenna is the one Klaus plans on using for the ritual." Damon reveals and Stefan let's out a breath.

"No he's not Damon." Stefan responds, knowing this will be hard.

"What..what are you talking about? Kathrine said she tricked Jenna." He says, slightly annoyed with the thought that Kathrine lied, again.

"Yeah. Yeah. That's true but Al made a deal Damon. She made a deal with Klaus." Stefan said and could tell Damon was pissed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2016 ⏰

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