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➹ k.t.h.  

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I knew it wasn't the best idea.

The sky was moonless and somber, the patches of snow littered on the road. The guy on radio was giving a warning, about how the snow may get worse, and something that sounded akin to staying indoors and to not break away from home and hit the road, with a bottle of whiskey and some smuggled snacks from earlier party, headed to your boyfriend's apartment at fucking 2am. On fucking New Year's Eve.

I shouldn't be out on a snowy night. Dang, I could barely make out what was ahead of me. The headlights were enough though to let me know that I stay on my lane. I am a twenty-one-year old with a curfew until twelve. I should've been on my room, browsing through brazzers' crotch-satisfying videos. (It's on my bucketlist — "14. Watch porn on January 1.") But I am Kim Taehyung and I break the rules.

He was already waiting outside when I arrived. I could hardly see his face from all those layers of clothing and scarves, but who else would stand at 2 a.m. in this storm-like-snow like a retarded child waiting for Santa a week after his one night job?

"You're 10 minutes late, fucker." he hissed as he hustled in the passenger seat.

"Really, not even a hello?"

"Gosh, I'm freezing." his voice was a little raspy. He leaned to leave an icy kiss on my lips. It were his kind of hellos.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked for the umpteenth time as I turned back to drive. He was placing all his stuffs at the back. "I mean, I don't really care where I go with you but this better be worth the jail time."

He chuckled, "Trust me. Will get there and be back safe and sound."

The thing is, I do tons of shit in my life on a regular basis I already lost count. Some of the typical ones include 1) having had a tiny dirty talk with my Lit professor when I pretended as my mom, 2) rang on a small shop's door that sells nothing other than fruits repeatedly to ask for some iceberg lettuce and broccoli  at 3 am, 3) sneak carefully into this asshat's home - Hyungjun, to alter the contents of his shampoo bottle to a mixture of a neon green hair dye, write my signature on his armpit, and spit on his bottle of vodka (I did so because he cheated on my friend - Irene - and because I fucking can).

So technically, breaking into Kang Tower to netflix and chill was not one of the extremes.

I shouldn't feel the tiniest bit of uneasiness for this, especially when I'm with him, for what else could go wrong?

I thought nothing could go wrong.

"This will be the best night of our life, Tae." he whispered so quietly that I almost missed it. "We'll make this count."


One of the shittiest pesto pasta in the world could be found, apparently, at Seoul. Specifically at the passable cafeteria of Eastern High. It tastes more of a decade old broccoli paste and less of a pesto. (It gives a warning though, pest-o.') How did this even pass the Eastern standards? Why the fuck did I even order this crap?

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