Chapter 3

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A/N: glad to see some people reading! I hope you enjoy.

I'm always open to suggestions:)

Also I'm so sorry for not updating! I just got back to school this week and there's so much homework! And dance rehearsals (/.\) so here u go





~next morning~

I woke up and groaned like usual. I mean it was 7:30 and that's so early. I got up and took a quick shower. I put my hair into a ponytail and fishtail braided it. I put on a black crop top and black booty shorts with a pink tank top that said "If you're a bird, I'm a bird". Last I put on my black Jordans.

I went downstairs with all my stuff and looked at my phone for the time. It said 8:30. I finally had time to have breakfast for once. I never get the chance. I made some organic oatmeal and had some organic strawberries on the side. It's always been a rule of mine that a long as I'm a dancer I will eat healthy and have all the nutrients I need for the day.

It's was now 8:45 so I decided to leave for rehearsal.

I walked to the place he said, which was the building we auditioned at. I remembered along the way I forgot to tell Emily that I got in! I noticed she texted me last night about how it went. I finally answered saying 'call me'

Moment later she called me.

"Hey! So how did it go?" She asked anxiously

"Well..." I started

"Oh no! what happened tell me now!" she said

"Let me finish and ill tell you gosh. Haha anyways... I got in!" I said. I explained the whole story to her.

"Oh my gosh *yn* I can't believe it! I'm so proud of you!" She said

"Thanks. Well I gotta go now. Rehearsal starts in a couple minutes. Ill tell you about it when were done okay?"

"Yes! tell me everything. Especially about Justin" I could tell in her voice that's what she really wanted to hear.

"Alright bye"


I walked into the building and started to stretch. I had 10 minutes which was perfect. I like stretching. Only 1 other person was here and I think it's Anai but I'm not sure.

Seconds later Justin walks in.

"Hey *yn*. Hi *Anai" he said

Okay so it is Anai

"Hey" we both said at the same time. We looked at each other and giggled.

~after rehearsal~

As I was walking home I got a text. I looked at it and it was Justin. It said

Justin-"Hey I was wondering if you wanted to come to the beach with me tomorrow evening."

Me- "sure what time?"

Justin-"how bout 5"

Me-"okay. Who else is gonna come?"

Justin-"all the other dancers"

Me-"sounds good:) see ya there"

Just as I got home I saw my brother watching tv.

"Hey Jai"


"Gosh don't you have any conversation in you?" I asked teasing him.

"Where did u go?"

I decided to tell him. He can't stop me now, I'm officially in. I signed stuff too!

"I need to tell you something. So yesterday I actually went to audition to be Justin Biebers back up dancer. I got in" I said with a smile "and now I'm having rehearsals. The tour is in 4 months. It's worldwide so ill be gone for a while."

He stared at me with disappointment but also a proud look if that makes sense.

"Okay. Whatever makes you happy... I guess" he said

"Thanks Jai" I said with a smile giving him a hug. I then ran upstairs and took a shower.

'I'm suddenly getting so busy!' I thought as I was rubbing conditioner in my hair. Wow. My life is going to be so different.

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