Chapter 8 !

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So I was just reading this Justin fanfic and I started crying because its about how YN was bf/gf with Justin but he died in a car accident and later YN starts seeing and hearing Justin and he could be alive and omg they neeeeeeed to update so I can stop crying about it!!!!!!<3


It was now after Disneyland and it was getting pretty late. 11:45
"Justin?" I asked
"Yeah?" he said looking at me smiling.
I smiled back. "Don't you think I should get home some day?" I said
"Aww do you have to?" he asked pouting.
"Im afraid so haha. How about I see you tomorrow kay? We'll make plans when were driving back to my house."
I texted Jai as we were walking to his car
YN: hey Jai I'm coming home now you still awake?
Jai💩😈: yeah. Is Justin busy I wanna meet him for once. You guys spend a lot of time together
YN: umm sure...? You know nothing is going on between us right
Jai💩😈: yeah but still

I locked my phone and put it in my pocket.

~in the car~
"So my brother wants to meet you" I said
"When?" he asked
"He was hoping when you drop me off" I explained
"Yeah that's fine. I've never met him anyways" he said.

We talked and laughed in the car on the way home. Our plan for the next day was he'd pick me up at 1am and we'd go see Endless Love because I really wanted to see it and he didn't mind. Then, we'd go to his house and go swimming, then decide from there.

I unlocked the door to my house a let Justin in.
"Wow nice place" he said
"Ha Justin don't lie it'll make things easier." I said smiling
"No seriously!" he said defending
"Alright" I rolled my eyes playfully.
"HEY JAI" I yelled really loud
And Justin kinda jumped and I started laughing and he pouted.
"WHAT" he yelled back
"JUSTIN'S HERE" I yelled
"This is how we communicate" I said to Justin
He nodded his head chuckling.
Jai walked in
"Okay so this is Justin" they did there guy thing (idk lol)
"Okay so talk" I said and left the room
"ILL BE RIGHT BACK" I yelled from my room
I walked back there and starting eavesdropping
It got boring so I just walked in.
"Hey" they both said at the same time.
"Hey, so you guys cool?"
"Yup" Justin said
"Okay good cuz your coming with me. Ill show you around a little" I said motioning him to follow me.
"Okay so this is the kitchen, living room, bathroom, my moms room, Jai's room, and this is mine." I walked in with him
"Wow it's so... Purple" he said
Every wall was purple
"Yeah it's my favorite color" I said
"Mine too!" he said
'I know' I though but said instead "oh cool!"
I walked over to my mirror and brushed my hair
Suddenly Justin picked me up by my waist and dropped me onto my bed.
"Justin!" I whined
Then he got on top of me and just layed there
"Umm Justin?" I said laughing
He just started to pretend snore
"Justin!" I said and we started play wrestling.
Suddenly I was on top of him and we both stopped. We looked into each others eyes and started getting closer and closer, just like last time.
Suddenly we heard a knock on my door
"You guys okay?" Jai asked
"Umm yeah" we said at the same time and laughed and I got off of him
"Okay I'm going to Safeway you guys need anything?"
"No thanks I'm good." I said
"That almost happened" I said giggling
He didnt laugh. Just looked down
"Are you okay?" I asked
"What are we?" he asked looking into my eyes
"Justin..." I said pulling my fingers through my hair. I always do that
"We haven't known each other for that long and, you're so much older than me. My parents were 7 years apart too , but they were together when my mom was 21 and dad was 28. You see what I'm saying?" I said sitting next to him, I said putting my hand on his shoulder.
He moved my hand away and got up.
"Yeah I see it perfectly" he said and stormed out.
I heard his car drive away and started to cry 'oh god what did I do?'
I sat there crying for a couple minutes but then got up, took a shower and went to bed.

My dream was confusing.
It was years later and Justin was marrying Selena Gomez. I was at his wedding. I was tearing up at the wedding wishing that was me but knowing it wouldn't work. He saw my eyes an stared at me sorrowful.
Selena saw where he was looking, knowing what he was thinking, and stormed out right in the middle of the vow which taired her beautiful wedding dress.
Suddenly I woke up and sat up. I looked at the time and it was 10:30.
'Oh no I have to get ready' I thought. Then I realized those plans for today are probably cancelled. Not when I upset Justin. God I feel so bad. I looked straight ahead for a while until I jumped a little to the sound of my phone. I looked to see it was Justin.
He texted me
Justin😘😂: hey I'm really sorry about last night that was so childish of me to do I'm so sorry YN please forgive me
YN💕👯: it's okay Justin. I'm sorry too I came out a little too harsh. I always speak before I think about what I'm going to say and it was wrong of me to do so. Forgive me too?
Justin😘😂: of course :) we still on for today?
YN💕👯: of course :)
Justin😘😂: see ya

I went to my dresser and picked out high waisted light blue jean shorts with white lace on the sides, and a light blue tank top to tuck in that had my white lace bra show on the sides.
(Not inappropriate the bra is almost like a crop top look) then some blue vans.
I decided to not wear makeup today and put my hair in a messy bun. Yep. That's the average YN look trashy but classy (Hahaha no totally kidding) I grabbed a small purse and put my phone and some money in along with my keys.
I went to the kitchen to get a banana.
By the time I was done I got a text from Justin saying he was here.
I walked outside, locked the door and turned around to see Justin leaning on his car waiting.
"Hey" he said
"Hey" I said looking up and down at him. Damn he looked good! I could see he did the same thing. We got in the car and he drove away.
"You look good without makeup" he said keeping his eyes on the road
"Thanks" I said blushing.

I know I know this chapter was probably boring but I really wanted to update because I need to keep my mind off things. School you know. Grades... Ugh well goodnight lovelies

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