Chapter 2

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I woke up to my alarm. I used Justin's app The Key and the song As Long As You Love Me. That song was special to me. I groaned and rubbed my eyes and smiled because today's the day. The day to show everything I've got. To show all my confidence and show how unique I am.

I walked to my closet and got a pair of black leggings, a purple crop top with a strappy back and a white crop top shirt from Fresh Tops. I straightened my hair and put it in a half up half down look. Then I put some mascara on and finished up by putting on my purple Supras. I grabbed a bag and put a towel, water bottle, and some pens. I grabbed my house keys and went downstairs. "Where are you going?" Jai asked. Since when is he up this early? "To... Um... Rehearsal" I said. If I told him where I was actually going he'd never let me out of the house. "This early? let me check the schedule" he said suspiciously. "Yeah this early. I gotta go now or I'm going to be late. Bye!" I said walking out quickly. I looked at my phone to make sure I had the right address. The building where the auditions where held were actually close to my house. Thank goodness.

As I walked into the room of people auditioning they all stared at me. I felt kind of uncomfortable so I called Emily.

"Hey you here?" I asked

"I'm so sorry I can't come. My grandma is sick and I need to take care of her" she explained

"Maybe I should just go. I mean I'm the youngest one here and I don't know anyone he-"

"No! You need to stay. U have a chance just stay okay?" She interrupted.

"Okay fine"

I hung up and started to stretch while people where still staring at me and talking to the person next to them.

~5 minutes later~

"Alright everybody get in 7 different lines and watch me" the guy said. We all sat down and watched.

He did the choreography while we marked it still sitting.

(Marking means to just do the movement small just so you can remember and get a feel for the steps)

"Okay everybody lets do it full out now. First time ill do it with you, second time without me."

Wow I can't learn choreography this fast! I knew it a little bit. After the first try with him I had it down. Thank god.

We did it full out without him and he examined us all. I did pretty good. It wasn't too bad. Just a little faster than I'm used to. After we were done he walked up to me and stared at me.

"What's your name?" He asked


"How old are you *yn*?"


I heard some people whisper stuff.

I looked around the room nervous when suddenly I see Justin at the side of the room watching us. My heart was beating so fast. How did I not see him!

"*yn* I'm going to have to ask you to leave. There is an age limit. You must be 15 an over. I'm sorry maybe in a couple years."

I started to get my stuff disappointed when I hear a familiar voice.

"Let her stay. Lets see what she's got"

I turn and see that it was Justin! now I feel the pressure.

"Alright well then *yn* do you know all the choreography?" The guy asked

I nodded my head

"Okay well go do it. Alone" he said a little mean-ish. Man he wants me to fail.

I go to the middle of the floor and the music starts. I dance full out with all my heart getting every beat, every step perfectly. I was out of breath at the end but felt like I did the best I've ever done.

The whole room was silent. Everyone surprised and amazed. Suddenly Justin started to clap and then everyone joined in. I smiled humbly and walked a little backwards.

"Okay everyone. Lets get into 7 groups. You guys are group one, that group over there group 2, group 3, group 4, group 5, group 6, group 7." He said pointing. I was in group 2. Before the first group when he looked at me and gave me a little nod and and smile. I smiled back and watched the first group. Next was the second. I was doing really good until I twisted my ankle and almost fell. But then I kept going through the pain with my eyes a little watery. Hey, it hurt. Once it was over I took a deep breath and sat down against a wall. After all the groups went Justin walked up to me. My heart beating so fast.

"Hey you can really move!" he said sweetly

"Thank you" you said looking up at him smiling.

"And you did nicely dancing that ankle off. That twist looked pretty bad. You okay?"

"Yeah I guess. Thanks. Was it really that noticeable?" you asked

"Yeah. I hope it gets better though" he said looking at it. It was all swelled up and kind of purple.

"Thanks." You said smiling again

He walked back to the table of the judges. I guess he was one of them.

They talked a while and looked at the headshots.

Finally they all stood up and walked to the front.

"Okay everybody listen up" one of the judges said.

"We are picking 5 girls and 5 guys. If we say your name come and stand in the middle of the room in a line."

Justin unfolded a piece of paper and looked at it.

"As usual, ladies first" he joked

"Bethany" he called



"Ajaysha. And..."

He looked down at the paper and smiled. My heart beating fast.


I smiled and walked up to the middle. I couldn't believe it! I actually made it! I have to tell Emily! But how do I tell Jai?... My mind raced as he was calling out the boy names.

"The rest of you are dismissed."

All the disappointed faces walked out of the room.

" The rest of you. Welcome! we're glad to have you. Rehearsals start tomorrow at 9:00 sharp"

We all walked out with our stuff.

~walking home~

I was limping/walking by the silent road a couple minute away from home. Everything was quiet except for a couple passing cars. All of a sudden somebody grabs my arm and I screamed and turned around. It was Justin.

"Justin you scared he crap out of me!" you whined but giggled.

"Sorry I didn't mean to." He smiled

"Alright what's up" you said. As much as you wanted to talk to your idol I needed to get home since your brother is probably wondering where you are.

"I forgot to get your number"

I looked at him weird.

"Since you didn't fill it out on your paperwork." He said quickly

He could have gotten it tomorrow instead of following me but okay.

"Okay give me ur phone then" i said

He handed it to me and I handed yours to him. As I finished I saw him taking a goofy selfie as the photo ID thing on there and laughed and did the same on his.

"Okay see you tomorrow. Hope your ankle gets better" he said.

"Alright thank you. bye"

As I walked to my door I realized something. The paper didn't ask for my number. I smirked and walked inside. And went up to my room excited.

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