The Choosing

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I speak of a world much like the one you are in. A world with normal everyday people,whom live their normal everyday live. You have possible heard about a world in which you are of the opposite gender or have your soul in the physical form of a beast. This world is somewhat like that. This world has Neck Demons. A creature that contains it's true form as a necklace around a person's neck. Every man,woman and child has one in this world. You are not born with a Neck Demon. It appears on you after your first day life. These beast are not choose for you nor do you chose them, they choose the human to which they become a part of,this was called the Choosing.

This story starts at exactly that. The proud parents slept soundlessly as their daughter slept. She had just been born twenty three hours and forty eight minutes ago. Her mom and father had insisted on coming home as they wished for her Choosing to go smoothly. All was still in the small white house that sat quietly on the Florida Oceanside. Not even a cricket dare chirp at that moment. The only sound was the waves as they clashed upon the sandy shore. To the naked human eye not a living thing stirred. Though all around demons stalked through the night and many left and only few ventured in. Many had come visiting the child. They all looked at her and look deep into the child's soul judging her, seeing if she was worthy for them to become one with.

"Fragile,sickly,weak. Whom would choose such a thing?" Asked a demon who's form was that of a lion,his mane flowed around his  shoulder, his bright burning blue eyes pierced the darkness and his colossal size took up the room. He stood proud even as he looked at the small chubby baby that slept without a care. He looked deeply into the child as he looked at what was made of her personality and made her special.

"Not to mention ugly,I doubt she shall grow bueatiful." A small  feminine voice piped up as it was a crane whom had snuck in for her turn to view the girl. The large bird was elegant in all that she did. She only cared for a child that would grow with grace and bueaty that would match her own. The bird craned her neck as she looked closer and made a disappointed grunt as she moved quickly to leave the sleeping child.

"She has only a little while left! It would be horrid to see such a sweet thing to die." This voice spoke with a coo in it as the demon had lived long on the earth. A small sparrow sat on the edge of the crib. The bird had though so much as if she was to choose the child for herself. The child's soul showed something not all the other demon could see. The sparrow had noticed that under all the weakness the others saw there was bravery,fierce, courage and strength that laid underlining the precious child's soul. The small bird sighed as the lion padded out soundlessly as the bird knew what was to happen. It happened to all children who had not chosen by a demon in time. They died if a demon had not chosen them their life would be incomplete and they were give a peaceful death. She looked at the baby as she wondered if it would be right to choose her.

"If you think it is meant to be then it is. Any thoughts of doubt show it is not." Spoke a deep raspy voice that was yet smooth and silky all at the same time. The bird fluttered as she did a quick turn to see an amazing sight. A dragon. An actual dragon stood in the doorway as he looked at the sleeping baby. The sparrow had heard of dragons, never seen one for herself though.

"Do not fear. This child has much potential. Why must one be so picky of a human? True she is small and weak,but this bravery and courage shall make up for it. Do you not agree?" The dragon spoke as he walked closer to the child's crib. He had managed to squeeze through the door and had to sort of hunch as he walked in the room.

He was known as Dantetavian, the beast of air and water. He stood nine feet tall and twenty one feet long when on his four claws that where as sharp as daggers but gentle as he used a claw to tip the crib to get a better look. His claws also had a sort of webbing between them,this was a telltale sign that the beast was quite happy in the water,just as much as he was happy on land. His neck has long and came to his bulky body that was completely muscle that could easily seen by anyone who looked at him. His tail was long with the classical tipped tail. He had no spines along his back,but he did have wing with a 50 foot wingspan with purple swirled markings that lined his wings. He had most fascinating scales that swirled and mixed in deep blues into emerald greens. If he was to feel threaten, the beast scales would rise up into millions of sharp pins creating a terrifying display. The dragon's yellow eyes sparkled as he looked at the child before him. His head was almost as large as the crib and his jaw was strong and block like. His horns were not long as they curved backwards and were a jet black color. If Dantetavian was to snarl for any reason, any creature would be frighten by the long needle like teeth the were hidden behind his lips. The little bird was still terrified by the sight of Dantetavian even in his calm state.

"I have been with her since her fifth hour of life. I've seen many of demon look upon her as unworthy as they only sa-" The sparrow spoke before Dantetavian cut her off.

"They are blind beast whom only look for children that can prove themselves or children whom will reflect their demon. They do not look for the children that need them or who would look to them when in need. This little one need a beast whom will be her guardian, her protecter,her everything. She is in need of me.." Dantetavian spoke with wise and love in his voice. Sparrow knew from the moment the dragon laid eyes upon the girl,that he had fallen in love with the tiny baby.

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