Bonus: Childhood Fights

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A cry rung out in the crisp fall air. The small playground was abandoned as the children had occupied themselves with something more vicious. A girl stood holding her dragon necklace close to her as tears rolled down her eyes. Her black shirt sleeve was torn and her shorts dirty. A large gash took up her right dark skinned knee. She pushed back long black hair from her face as she rubbed the wetness from her eyes. The brown eyes turned a deep black as she looked at her older tormenter and the semi circle of children behind him. Her pain had turned into anger as she looked at the blood that seeped from her wound.

"What you going to get your mommy?" The older boy asked in a mocking tone with a smile upon his face. The girl was only 6 while the bully was half a decade older than her. If she fought him hand to hand she knew she would lose for sure. She took a deep breath as she hoped this would work. She need this to work, she needed Dantetavian.

"Dantetavian!" She spoke with fear in her voice and her hand flew away from the necklace. The demon inside had been awoken. The small dragon pendents eyes opened with a bright yellow glow. In a rush the pendents head leaned forward and turn into the large head of a dragon. It is hard to explain how a demon turn from his necklace form into a physical form. No man could explain it and a demon could scarcely try to as well. The pendent was gone within a second and in front of the girl stood her neck demon. The large dragon looked down upon the children with an icy stare, Dantetavian had raised his scales only slightly as he wished for the ruthless children to be frightened and leave his poor broken human alone. All of the children stared wide eyed before one had gave out a loud scream and ran off in fear. The others were soon to follow as  they had never seen a dragon and though the beast would devour them. All had left except for the tormenter, he stood bravely as he stared straight at the demon.

"You think I'm scared? Think your so cool?? We'll show you who is cool!! Maximilian!" His voice rung out as the pendent around his neck eyes opened. Dantetavian growled deeply as the pendent transformered into a rusty colored lion. The lion was truly a sight as his mane shined bright and seemed to content the beauty of the sunset. Fangs protruded from his maw as he snarled and his eyes shown red as he looked upon his opponent. The lion was not as large as Dantetavian but both girl and dragon knew it would be a bit of a challenge when fighting the other demon. The tormenter smiled as the two neck demons sized each other up and snarled at one another. Dantetavian had his scales completely raised as the lion's fur stood up as they both prepared for a fight.

"What's wrong? You scared!" The boy taunted and Dantetavian's patience had worn thin. His maw opened as he roared right in front of the challenger's face. The lion charged at Dantetavian at incredible speed as he planned to ram into the dragon as a way to throw him off guard. The dragon easily dodged the charging lion by easily stepping to the side and whipped his long neck around to grasp the  other beast's mane with his jaw as the lion charged right past him, toward Dantetavian's human. He was being careful as he wished to not truly damage the other demon. If he wanted Dantetavian could easily kill the lion with a quick snap of the neck. Demons were somewhat complex creatures at fights,very few demons ever truly fight to the death as most fights were to show dominance or superiority,never really trying to cause wounds lest it is of accident or a true battle to the death. With ease he tossed the big cat back to where he had stood and held him to the ground gently with his claws. The lion knew that if he struggled the dragon would not hesitate to dig his claws into him,this was his reason of lying still. He also had to think of his human,for the pain the lion would receive would also be pasted upon his human. Looking eye to eye the two demons stared until Dantetavian once more roared and moved back to his own human. Leaving the tormenter and his pride wounded demon in there place.

"Come Lily, shall I help you with the bar of monkeys?" The dragon spoke softly as he looked down lovingly at the girl. Lily smiled and reach to the dragon as he lowered his head for her to hug. Lily was small and she barely covered Dantetavian's muzzle when she hug her demons head. She looked up with love into the yellow eyes that shone with the same love.

"That was so cool Dante! Can we beat more people's demons up!?" The girl spoke with excitement as she smiled at him. The dragon gave a deep chuckle as the girl pulled away and start back to the playground with demon following. He whipped his head to see noone dare come back to the playground as long as Lily and Dantetavian were there.

"Some other time my small one, it seems their is noone left to brave us in battle." The dragon to the girl as the large beast smiled at his small human with love and care as he helped Lily as she climbed up the playground. True he was fierce and vicious, but when it came to his human,as any demon acts, he held nothing but love for the girl.

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