Chapter 13: Why can't a teenage party ever avoid ending on a bad note

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Once I stepped out a red carpet was laid out. At least my flats won't get too dirty.

I stumbled, attracting a few eyes that were just hanging around a large mansion-like building. Jimin stepped out after me, this time, really attracting all eyes. 

"Take my hand." He whispered to me, looking straight ahead. I gulped, reaching for it. Why was I getting so nervous all of a sudden? I did have a strong mind when it came to things, but when I was nervous everything shuts down. 

"Park Jimin?" A person already stopped us. Jimin gave a quick smile before he walked right past the man. 

"Yah..." I turned back around. 

"Not important." He confidently walked into the doors. 

It was all a fantasy really. It didn't feel real. From the moment the white gold rimmed doors opened in slow-mo, everything felt too expensive for my existence. My lungs weren't used to breathing in such rich air. 

I tightened my grasp on Jimin's arm as we were greeted by tons of busy teenagers either dancing, drinking illegally, and chatting around.

"I WELCOME YOU THE MAN OF THE NIGHT! PARK JIMIN...AH?! IS THAT A GIRL HE BROUGHT!" A hot Korean guy spoke through a mic, which I guessed that he was probably the host. 

Jimin smiled, turning to look at me. I looked up in confusion. What kind of world did this kid live in.

"Ne yeoja chingu (my girlfriend). Lee Subin." He announced out of nowhere, presenting me around. 

I wanted to scream back at him but I was warned to be chic for the night. Besides, that would be too embarrassing. I tightly placed a smile on.

Ok...Subin-ah, this is only for one night. I tried reenacting the ambiance of those evil rich girls in Soo Hyun's dramas. 

"Woooh!" Almost all the boys cheered and most of the girls clapped bitterly.

"Well, what a catch." The man winked at Jimin. Gross. 

"Isn't she?" Jimin glanced at me with a fake smile. My eyes widened and I quickly looked away. A few laughs were triggered. 

"Now, now. Let's make them have the best welcome to America night that they ever had!" He yelled. The DJ music blared, startling my poor heart, and a disco confetti ball exploded above us, sending down the silver glittering paper down. 

"So extra." Jimin muffled under his breath as we walked down to the reserved seating area with red couches. He was hating this just as I was.

"Yo." Another guy came up to Jimin with some girl. She smiled at me and barely nodded properly. I showed her a proper bow as an example.

"James Kim!" Jimin threw another fake smile at him and opened his arms. "How have you been? How's Korea?" 

"Good! It's a change from America. It's where I got my cute girlfriend too. How's your dad? Is he managing the company well?" He smiled at the girl who smiled back. The fakest smile ever. It was obvious relationships around here were as real as Jimin and mines' were. Just for money and status, in her case. 

"He's doing alright. Stocks have been falling up and down." Jimin replied. I thought his dad was the vice---oh, it's a secret. Even to these people? "Great to see you here, enjoy the night! We can catch up later!" Jimin waved him off. 

Three other people passed by and did the same exact thing. I could see why Jimin hated this party too now. It was more of an obligation to brag than having fun with friends.

We finally crashed down on the couch. 

"You have a really tough life don't you," I mumbled, piling my hair to the side. 

My Wild and Unpredictable Life with Six Kids and One Jerk (Jimin FanFic- BTS)Where stories live. Discover now