Chapter 7- Home

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Hi guys here it is.

Jade's Pov

It's been days since we went to the Philippines. It was a nice experience actually, I discovered many things about Perrie, many. And we went to many places.

And now back to normal.

"Dear is Perrie there?" Mum asked

"No mum. I wonder whats taking her long"

Since the they we came back Perrie always drive me to school and pick me up. And it's odd because she's never late when picking me up but now it's almost 8:30. I'm going to be late.

"I'll tell Karl to drive you to school. I don't think Perrie will come here. " Mum said.

"Okay mum." I answered briefly.

So Karl and I went inside his car. The whole car ride was really silent. I guess we don't have anything to tell each other.

"Bye Pet. See you later. Have fun." He said while waving his hands.

"Okay Karl. Bye." I waved back.

After that I decided to look for Perrie but sadly I could'nt find her so I just headed to my first class.

Skio First Class

Once the class has finished I went outside and saw Leigh anne waiting for me.

"Hi Jade. Why are you looking so down today?" She asked "And why are you alone? Where's Perrie?" She continued.

"I don't know Leigh. She did'nt drive me to school today. I wonder where she is." I said feeling blue.

"Let's go to the canteen. I'm starving." Leigh anne said.


Were here in the canteen and one blonde really caught my attention. It's Perrie flirting with another girl. And the worst part is i'm jealous.

"Why is Perrie with Sarah? I tought she's with Jade?" Girl 1

"It's a shame. I really tought she changed. Argghhh, I really hate her guts." Girl 2

"Awwweee, my Jerrie heart is broken." Girl 3

After hearing what the girl said I suddenly felt someone grab my hands.

"Hey what are you doing?" I said to the girl who grab my hand.

"Sorry I need to do this." She said

She continued holding my hand and she let it go when we arrived at the school park.

"What am I doing here?" I asked.

"Don't worry nothings going to happen. Just wait here." She said then suddenly ran off.

I waited minutes and then It hit me. What if the girl is just fooling me? How can I be so stupid? I stand up and decided to go back at the canteen then suddenly someone grab my hand. What's with people and grabbing hands today?

"Please don't go." That deep voice. I know that. It's Perrie.

"No Perrie. I need to go, Leigh anne's waiting for me." I said trying to pull my hands from her.

"I already told Leigh anne that i'm going to talk to you so please hear me out." She said.

"Okay. What are you going to say?" I ask trying to sound like I don't care even if the truth is I really care.

"I'm sorry about not driving you to school earlier. It's just that I had a headache and I need to rest  You can ask mom about that. And the canteen thing with Sarah, uhmm it's not true. She was the one flirting with me and i'm just going with the flow ao that I won't hurt her feelings. Please forgive me. I promise i'll do anything you say just forgive me." My heart is beating really fast right now. I don't know if i'll forgive her that easily or i'll make it hard for her. Arrggghhh i don't know what i'll do.

"I forgive you in one condition." I said smirking.

"I think you have something bad in your mind but I don't care as long as you forgive me." She said worriedly.

"Take me to the beach this weekend." I said.

"That's it? No more?" She asked surprisingly.

"Yes. What? You wan't it to be more hard?" I said smirking.

"It's fine, the beach is fine. Go on now you need to go to your class." She said.

"We have the same class. Math." I said then giggled.

"Oh yeah. I forgot." She scratched her head. "So I guess were going together." She said grabbing ny hands which caused butterfly to go wild in my stomach.

We walked in the hallway and people started talking about us.

"I tought they broke up."

"Yes! Jerrie is back."

"I prefer Sarah."

"Ew, Sarah is a slut. Jade is better."

"If they break up I promise to court Jade."

"They won't. They're like the perfect couple. And don't forget the cutest couple of the school."

"They like us together." Perrie whispered.

"Yeah. I know."

"I like you Jade and I don't wan't you to leave me." She said smiling and looking forward. How can I even break her heart if she's being like this. Maybe I should stop this dare. I'll tell Leigh anne later and right now I need to be honest with what i'm feeling towards her.

"I like you too Perrie and I won't ever leave you." Then that I felt her lips in mine. I don't know if this is right or wrong but I don't mind, I like it. I kissed her back and I don't care what the people or even the teachers will say the important thing is that i'm happy with her. I'm inlove with Perrie Edwards and theres no denying it.

We pulled back from the kiss and gasped for air. Then Perrie said something.

"I don't think I like you Jade."


Bang Cliffhanger! Hahahha. What do you think of this chapter?

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow me. And also read my other story. It's good. Personally i like ACFY than this story but i like this also. Nevermind just read both my story. Love you guys. And thanks for the 2k reads. Love you all so much.

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