7. More Adorable Alter-Ego

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More Adorable Alter-Ego


Jack smiled as he woke up that Monday morning. It was strange being able to sleep in so late. It was already twelve in the afternoon. Though, he had stayed up till five this morning. The sun lit up his room with a yellow glow as he got up off his bed and walked over to the window, opening it wide before leaning out and looking from side to side. It was the third day of summer, counting Saturday and Sunday.

After he talked with Kim, he had headed home. Rudy had given him the weekend off because of the fact, but today, he would be headed back to the dojo. He and Rudy were training Jerry to take over as the second student-sensei for the new Warrior Academy. He was ecstatic. Rudy had been reluctant to do so until the business began to grow, in which case Rudy needed another person to help out.

He nodded to himself, walking over to his closet and pulling out a t-shirt and shorts. He changed quickly, walking down the stairs and into the kitchen straight afterwards. He jumped as he noticed Milton and Jerry sitting out on the couch in the living, room playing video games. He frowned as he walked over and stood in front of the screen. Jerry threw the controller down in front of him in aggravation before flying up off the couch.

"Dude! What up?" Jerry asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. Jack laughed before Milton let the controller carefully drop to his side on the couch. He stood up slowly before walking over to the kitchen and pulling a plate of pancakes out of the oven.

"We made you these." Milton said simply, holding the warmed plate out for Jack. Jack's face fell as he walked forward.

"Are you sure you made them? Jerry can't cook to save his life and Kim told me..." Jack left off as Kim's name came up and out of his mouth. He closed his eyes and shook his head and he brushed his hair back out of his face. He had gotten his hair cut to how it had been before she had left, just for her. He wasn't exactly used to the new length once more, it always seemed to fall into his face. Putting it into a pony tail was not an option, either.

"Kim told you about that?" Milton asked warily. He had hoped his friends had kept that a secret. Eddie had long and left since then, but Milton did know that Jack and Kim told each other everything. There was always that danger for them all. No matter what the group did when they separated into their littler parts of the main group during the days past, it always got back to the others. Jack and Kim tended to do that even before they dated.

"She did." Jack breathed as he walked into the kitchen and took the plate into his hands, setting it down on the counter before hopping up himself to eat. Milton took out a fork and the syrup as he walked over and handed it to his saddened friend. "You guys never answered my question."

"We found three plates set out when we got here. Your mom made em' man, and may I just say she is a hellova cook! Wow!" Jerry cheered as he threw his fist into the air before he jumped up to sit next to Jack. He laughed at the mention of his mom. She had been teaching Kim how to cook before she had left for Oti. She had been such a big part of his life. Jerry turned to Milton, sending him a confused glance at what his friend's knew now that he didn't. Ever since the two had left for summer school, it seemed he was the third wheel. He had found himself hanging of with Joan, Rudy, and Phil more and more to compensate.

"Kim and Eddie were trying to help me cook because I failed the 'cake test' in class one day. I ended up making some kind of cake out of different chemicals and it exploded in the teacher's face. I still can't cook to save my life." Milton explained, a smile taking over his face as he looked off into the corner and let the memory play in his head. He missed Kim, probably not as much as Jack does, but he missed her.

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