Chapter 1

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It was Monday. It's been three hours since I woke up. It is now 5am and I am sitting on a plane. I've always been afraid of flying. Ever since my Grandfather and Nonna flew to one of the Canarie Islands for their aniversary. They crashed just before they reached france. Nonna survived the crash but Cole didn't.

Cole is my grandpa but we always call him 'Cole', Only because he used to be a marine and Nonna would always use 'Sergent Coleman' everytime she spoke to him or about him.

Every time we go on holiday we take a ferry. We either goto France, Spain or America so we take Dad's car. He has a grey Fiesta. He calls it 'Pearl I know... Crazy right?

This time was different

I was moving out to Austrailia with Ma, Dad, Ingrid and Jason. Peter (My other brother) didn't want to come. He's 21 and has a girlfriend called Tess so I understand why he wanted to stay in England. Whereas me and Ingrid are only 15, Jason at 13 so we never had a choice. I guess Jason could have lived with Peter but Peter never would have allowed it.

This was me and Ingrid's first time flying. Jason and Peter flew to Washington from New York with Dad but me, Ingrid and Ma stayed with my mum's sister, Chelsea in New York

We were sitting on the plane, all of us, in complete silence. Jason lets out a tiny giggle. That tiny giggle turns into a chuckle and that chuckle turns into burst of laughter.

"Shut the hell up you little mut!" Ingrid shouts at him.

He turns around and all he sees is a middle age man falling asleep.

I'm sitting by the window. Although I dont want to sit there. Ingrid is sitting next to me. Then there's a gap for the stuardess' to walk through. Then theres Jason. Dad and Ma are sitting behind him and another stranger sitting the other side of them! That's another reason I hate flying. You're stuck with a bunch of strangers 20,000 miles in the air! Jason looks really not frightened! How could he not be frightened! What if we crash!

"What if we crash!?" I lean over Ingrid and ask Ma.

She chuckles. "Aww Sweetie, Freya we wont crash!"

"Its more likely to crash in a car then on a plane" Dad adds on.

"Just sit back and relax. Please" Ingrid tries to sooth me but it really doesnt work. The last of the passengers climb onto the plane. Suprise, suprise - It's the traksuit family. Always late they are! I look out of the window watching all the workers move away from the plane. That guy with the white jacket walks behind the plane and ticks things off on his notebook.

"Seat belts on please" The tanoi anounces. The suardesses run through the standard procedure. You know, Bathrooms over there, If an emergency doors here.

They walk back to wherever it is they go whilst not being able to walk around. The pilot turns the engines on.

We slowly reach the runway.

We're leaving.

I'm in the air. We've been in the air for ten minutes now.

As soon as the seat belts signs turn off Ingrid was in the bathroom throwing up everywhere. Mum is also outside of the toilet door trying to help out. How can she help out when she's not in the same door?.

There are about 8 people lining up outside behind Mum, all waiting for the toilet. They must be desperate by now. It's teasing me. I just want to sing at the top of my voise.

'Rain drops on roses

Wterfalls are a-falling'

That was a song me and Ingrid used to sing to whoever was out side the bathroom at home waiting for us to finish in the mornings.

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