The Meeting With the Almighty

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Once the other angels get word of chrys' specialties ,they'll want to take her for their own .I am chrys' protector, her guardian angel ,There to keep her safe in times of trouble. If I fail and she gets hurt or dies ,I lose my wings and I become an outcast throughout all of heaven. I do the one thing I do best,fly home and talk to the almighty ruler about my situation ,ask for advice and guidance on what to do for my little human soul.Usually Peter won't let you in without an appointment ,But the look in my eyes made him ask "It's Chrys isn't it ?" I nod and sigh ,he looks at me and says "It's ok go on in ,he's not busy at the moment." I walked in slowly and sat in the gold chair, Behind the large desk was the one we serve. God was amazing, So Majestic and strong .Before I spoke he said "Hello my dear angel child ,I know why you're here for I am all knowing .

The human child you protect, the chrys child ,what is it that is troubling you about this fragile soul?" (Granted He already Knew ,I spoke anyway) I spoke slowly but sternly to ensure my seriousness and concern in the matter. "Father,My young soul known as chrys can see the angels that are around,she knows we exist sir and I'm afraid that if the other angels get word of her special gifts they will take her away and hurt her. " God responded promptly by saying ,I agree ,please keep chrys under your wing both literally and metaphorically of course .Do whatever you have to do to keep that girl safe. So I did as I was told ,wherever that girl went I was.Whether it be school or a friends house I was right there Waiting, Watching for any type of threat to chrys' safety .Everything was going fine until the day she met chrysma,Oh that girl was something else I tell you.She never took no for an answer and if she didn't get what she wanted when she wanted it she threw a major fit,her parents never controlled her.

While the war back home was brewing and getting quite intense ,I was down here on earth watching chrys and chrysma play ,when chrysma prompted chrys to go out into the woods by her house ,Chrys was hesitant I could see because she knew her mother and father would never approve ...She went anyway ,Giving into temptation and getting into more trouble than her little mind and heart could ever imagine.Upon entering the forest they found a hole covered with leaves ,chrysma lead chrys to it cheerfully ,she explained that this is where she hid when her parents were being "Not so nice " to her ,I still haven't figured out what she meant and neither did chrys.

I just realized that I talked about god ,Chrys,Chrysma, jedidiah and Peter But I still haven't mentioned my name ,I'm serenity the top female angel here in the land ,I know It's weird having a woman tell a story but I was there watching everything .I know My way around well ,been here since I was 21 ,Horrible accident but thats all in the past now ,I have my job here and I "Live " the good life serving our mighty Lord and Protecting the innocent. I never got to have a family so It gives me great joy to keep chrys under my wing especially with what's coming next. The day I met her I was ecstatic I was there in the hospital the day she was born ,around the time she tuned about five is when everything started going downhill for her. I had flew down to earth so that I could be there for her birthday party just to make sure things were going smoothly and of course they were not . Many people don't know this but she had a brother much older than her ,who died at the age of 22 he was a soldier in the war ,he wasn't there when chrys was born but he knew she existed .

I see him around heaven when I'm home ,but not too often he's a loner Angel because he doesn't know that many people and he was never really social in life .So in turn it reflects his personality here I heaven. Anyway , I had to meet with God again to talk about chrysma this  time because I knew that if I didn't stop her silly shenanigans ,she would ultimately get little chrys killed. I walked up again and of course I was allowed to go right in ,I sat as usual and this time he looked confused as to why I was there ,he couldn't figure it out which wasn't normal for God ,he usually knew what was up. I looked at him and Sai God chrysma is Making chrys go off and do dangerous things that could potentially hurt her in the long run ,I need help I don't know what to do . He looked at me as sighed "I didn't want to have to do this but , I want you down on earth at all times ,I want you around chrys 24/7 you're the only one who has control over her and you an I both know that without you chrysma can do damage to her or worse kill her ,she isn't ready to die . She still hasn't fulfilled her purpose. I nodded ,said yes sir I understand and left on my way to get back to chrys before she was left for dead by chrysma .

***Be sure to like and comment on the story ,I need feedback so I know to keep going or if I should just stop . I'm enjoying the story myself honestly but I'm not sure what else to add to it . Thanks for reading up to this point .***

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