Sunset shimmer

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Sombra felt guilt run through him, how could he have done that to Celestia? He watched as Luna helped her sister up helping her gain balance. Sombra sighed the giant black rock crumbling underneath his hooves as he jumped off and landed on the ground. He looked at Celestia and decided it would be best for him not to be there, so closing his eyes he teleported away from Celestia.

"What now?"
Discord asked as ecerypony looked at twilight who bit her hoof
"I have to take Celestia to the castle she's to wounded to fight"
Luna said
"Alright I'll take care of things from here"
Twilight said as Luna teleported her and Celestia to the palace
"So what do we do now twi?"
Rainbow asked
"I don't know rainbow let me think"
Twilight thought for moment but the sound of a gun shot made her lose track of thought
"Listen to me twilight we need help we may be strong but we need another pony who has as much magic as me or you"
Cadence said
"Another pony who has magic like me?....that's it!"
Twilight disappeared and in moments returned with a book
"I know who can help us"
Twilight opened the book and began to write
"Dear sunset shimmer, we are in desperate need of your help, ponyville has gone into war, Celestia is wounded and my friends are in need of someone with powerful magic just like you, your our only hope sunset, Twilight sparkle"
And with that twilight closed the book
"I hope she gets the message in time"
Twilight said
"Until she does let's kick so more flank!"
Rainbow yelled, but before anything sunset shimmer appeared
Twilight yelled
"Once I got your message I ran as quickly as I could to the portal luckily I was at the school when I got it or I wouldn't be here now"
Twilight smiled
"I'm so glad your here"
Sunset looked around
"Wow this place looks horrible"
"Tell is about it"
Rarity said
"Well I'm here to help in anyway I can"
Twilight nodded
"Alright everypony let's go!"
And with that the ponies charged into the battlefield

(If you guys thank of any characters you want me to add, feel free to say:) )

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