1. HeadOverHeels

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I was attending my first Supernatural Convention. I barely knew what happened at these things aside from what my friends had told me. I wasn't able to go previous years, because of work, but had somehow managed to get the time off to join them this year and be a part of the conversations that started before the weekend and continued, for basically, the entire year following.

We arrived at the hotel and it was already complete pandemonium. The predominantly female crowds were loitering in the lobby hoping for a glimpse of a star or someone who could get them close to one. They were everywhere.

I stayed close to my friends, not wanting to be separated and to be honest, they traveled in packs and it was a little if not a LOT intimidating.

"There's so many people here, I had no idea." I whimpered into the ear of my best friend, Kelly, and the main reason I'd come along to the event. I'd known her since school and she was basically the other half of my brain. I gripped onto her arm as we waited in line to check in.

"Ohhh my god, I just heard most of the cast arrived about an hour ago, and there's been a few sightings so far but nothing's been confirmed." My friend Oscar told us, running over from a group of strangers he'd been gossiping with since we arrived. His boyfriend, Levi, followed, rolling his eyes at Oscar's enthusiasm.

"When are the others getting here?" I asked Oscar who was typing furiously into his phone.

"They should be here sometime late tonight. They weren't able to get an earlier flight." He explained. Our friends Alana and Lauren were flying into Chicago from Florida to join us, it was going to be good to see them, it'd been far too long.

Just as we were about to make it to the desk a round of screaming came flooding across the lobby and people began to run around. Oscar was no exception. He quickly took his already tall 6'3" frame onto his tip toes and loomed over the crowd to get a better view.

"Holy fuck!" He exclaimed, his mouth falling open.

"What!? What's happening?" Kelly asked, trying to see as well.

"Just be cool, be cool." Oscar waved his arm frantically at us as he returned to his original height and faced Kelly and I looking like he was about to explode.

Just then the crowd behind him parted and there stood a rather bulky looking guy I did not recognize at all. He frowned at me looking at him and I quirked an eyebrow. "What?" I asked, looking down at myself. A smirk came to his face and he stepped aside, ushering through whoever was standing behind him.

And then as if in slow motion there he stood. Two green eyes staring right into mine and I was stuck in his gaze. Stuck to the floor. And I forgot how to breathe.

Jensen Ackles was standing less than 3 feet from me clad in dark wash jeans and a grey t shirt, frowning at me like I'd smacked his poodle.

"Oh, Mr Ackles!" A lady behind the counter squeaked sounding just as nervous as everyone around me looked. "What can I help you with?"

He tore his eyes away from mine and I looked down, trying to get some air in my lungs. And then it happened. He stepped forward to move past me and the crowd surged forward, pushing the line we were in, and I, already flustered-fell. It all happened in slow motion, I remember the moment I saw the floor rushing toward me and I went to put my hand out to stop myself, but it was too late. There was already someone holding me.

I caught my breath and took in what had happened. I was okay. I looked up, and there he was again. Green eyes. His arm wrapped around my waist, my body pressed tightly to his side, one false move and I'd be face down on the floor.

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