9. It'sMyParty...

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"Carrie? Carrie!? CARRIE!? CARINA!" I flinched at the sound of Oscar screaming at me from the other end of the café counter. "Can you take their order?" His eyes were wide as he pointed to the line that had formed while I was a million miles away.

I shook my head of the regular occurring thoughts that came flooding in several times a day and did what I was paid to do, serve people food and coffee and take their money. The New York streets were as busy as ever and our pokey little café was full to the hilt.

I checked my watch after the rush had died down. 4:45pm. I bit my lip, shifting my weight from side to side, wishing the time would go faster so I could go home, sleep, and forget this day ever arrived.

My 30th birthday. I was looking forward to it in the sense that I was no longer in my 20's and could finally feel like I was actually an adult, but on the other hand, I was terrified. 30 was such a big number. And I didn't feel as organized as I felt I should've by this age. Sure, I had a place to live, and a job, and great friends and a loving family, but I still didn't feel complete.

I was hoping that would be a feeling that would pass. I also wished the thoughts I kept having would pass. Thoughts of Jensen. It'd been 2 months and I hadn't heard a word, not even one. I had simply deduced he had deleted my number in a bid to save his marriage, so I respected his decision and refrained from texting or calling, even though I wanted to.

I still got to see him though, a new season of Supernatural had started, but I couldn't watch it with the same escapism that I used to, it just wasn't the same anymore.

Every time Dean came on the screen I imagined his lips on mine, or his arms around me, or the way he laughed or smiled. The way he would tease me and poke fun at my being a fan. I missed the son of a bitch.

"Carrie, since you've been less than useless today, you can clock out. Think of it, as a Birthday gift." Oscar smiled, shoving my punch card into the machine to clock me out.

I smiled, leaning up to peck him on the cheek. "You're too kind, really."

He rolled his eyes, waving me off him. "Get away. I'll see you later." He laughed, taking over my place at the till.

I went into the back, packing my bag and taking off my apron. I grabbed my stuff, wrapping my winter coat around me as the fall chill, had hit New York and left out the back. I pulled up the hood of my coat and put my bag over my shoulder, heading home.

I loved New York in the fall. All the colors and smells seemed to hit me so much harder. The cold was welcomed. I liked the cold. I crossed my arms around myself and walked the streets towards my apartment building.

I'd lived in New York for 3 years, and I loved it.

I let myself into my apartment, seeing Kelly sitting on the couch blowing up balloons. I stopped in my tracks, my key still in the door.

"No, don't you dare!" I warned her, pointing my finger at her.

"What?" She feigned innocence, tying a knot in what had to be the 100th god damn balloon. Our floor looked like a Chuck. E. Cheese had thrown up in it.

"No parties! You swore there would be no parties!" I complained, pulling my key out and shutting the door after me. I leaned back on the wood, already wanting to go back to work so I wouldn't have to be here and be put through the torment of another one of Kelly's birthday parties.

"It's just a little one." She said, showing me how much with her fingers.

"A little one? The last time you said a little party, 80 people showed up."

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