2. GreenEyesEverythingISee

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"Where are we even going?" I complained to the group as we trudged the Chicago streets, trying to find somewhere to eat that wasn't completely rammed with convention people. We'd been walking for about 20 minutes so far and my boots were really starting to hurt my feet. "Can we just go in somewhere already, please?"

We stopped outside of a dingy looking forgotten bar that had a sign saying 'Burgers, Wings and Beer.'

Oscar looked at us and I grabbed Kelly's arm. "He chooses here? Is this where we get stabbed?" I whispered.

She cringed and shrugged and nodded her head at Oscar. "I sure as shit hope not, but food's food and I'm done walking."

We followed Oscar inside. It was dark and smelt of stale beer and fried food. There were a few pool tables along the side wall and some booths scattered along the back. All up there must've only been about 12 people in there, not including a rather rowdy table in the back corner.

We took a table near the center, and Oscar went to the bar to get a round of drinks. The 3 of us left at the table had just settled into a nice comfortable conversation about the weekend to come when Oscar comes barreling over to the table, and quickly takes his seat, pushing 3 of the 4 beers he had in front of the rest of us.

"Don't look now," Oscar said, fidgeting while his eyes were darting frantically between us and something behind him. "But that table, in the back corner-"

"What about em?" Kelly interrupted, craning her head to look over the guys.

"I said don't look!" Oscar said, swatting Kelly's head with his hand making her jump in her seat. "It's the guys." He said like it was perfectly obvious which guys he was talking about.

"Guys? What guys Oz? You gotta be more specific." I laughed, taking a fry that had just been delivered to our table.

He leaned in, causing us all to lean in at the same time. "It's the Supernatural guys. As in Jensen, Jared, Misha, Rob and a bunch of others-for gods sake Kelly stop staring!" He swatted Kelly again who was now wide eyed after having a proper look.

"What are we going to go?" Kelly asked in a whisper.

I snorted, "You guys," I laughed when they looked over at me. "We do nothing. They're just trying to escape the crowds and have some food and a good time, just like we are. We eat, we drink," I took a sip of my beer. "We play pool and we leave them alone. End of story." I shrugged and they all eventually agreed, although I'm sure Oscar wanted nothing more than to crawl over to their table and just sit in front of them.

We ordered food and ate and the guys did well, they only stared a little bit and they managed to keep to themselves. I had also managed to stay under the radar until I got up to go to the bathroom. I crossed the floor, keeping my head down in case Jensen, for whatever god damn reason recognized me from earlier and tried to say something to me.

I had almost made it to the other side of the bar to the corridor where the bathroom was situated when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I flinched back, not expecting it and turned to see who was touching me. And came face to face with green eyes again.

"Hey, I thought that was you." Jensen smiled down at me, withdrawing his hand and shoving them both into the pockets of his jeans.

Wow, tall. "It's me. How are you?" I smiled back, shaking off the shock of having him this close to me again.

"I'm good. Full, slightly sauced from the beer." He shrugged, the obvious sign of alcohol dancing in his eyes. Distracting.

"While I'm here, I want to say thank you for the suite. It's totally unnecessary, but thank you anyway. It's very sweet of you."

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