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A/N : Here's another chapter because I owe you guys. 😘❤️‼️ And again I didn't proof read this and I updated my other chapters so go check them out before reading this. Hopes guys like ❤️

I wake up my annoying ass alarm clock. I look at the clock while pressing the snooze button.


Damn I slept the whole day yesterday. It's a good thing I guess. I lazily crawl out of bed. I was still so tired that I forgot about the mini ladder so then I fell of my bed.

"Arghhh" I groan. I fell on my side. That shit hurt. Then I started laughing while holding my arm because it hurt the most. I see a few people walk in the room.

"Yo what happened," Zay asks whole putting a spoonful of cereal in his mouth.

"I fell off my bed," I continue laughing.

"HAAA!" Farkle says laughing. I slowly get up and walk to the bathroom. I brush my hair and put in a ponytail to get it out of the war. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I look in the mirror and see that I look more awake.

"Ahh, no more bags," I smile. I walk out and go to the kitchen. I see the two most people I have right now. Yes I know hate is a strong word but I literally did nothing to them and they hurt me in the worst way possible. I roll my eyes.

"Good morning," I say to Smackle while sitting next to her. Almost everyone responds with 'morning'.
I sigh. I look over at Lucas and give him a bad stare but he didn't notice. He looks worried. So does Maya. Ohh little do they know. I smirk.

I get up and grab a bowl and fill it up with CTC (Cinnamon Toast Crunch) my favorite. I pour the milk in my bowl. I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist. I tense up. I don't want to be touched my him. Dirty little fuckboi. I roll my eyes.

"What's wrong?" He says as if he cares. Come on Riley. You got this.

I smile, "nothing." I turn around and hug him. It felt different and weird. Usually I get sparks when we hug but now all I feel is hate. It's weird because I love his warming hugs. But then again I know deep down that I still like him. It's like he's a magnet that keeping drawing my attention, that keeps me to him. I pull away and give him a peck on the lips. Yep... Doesn't feel the same. If only he knew that I knew. I sigh and walk to the living room with my cereal and sit next to Darby.

"Hey, girly," I smile. She smiles back.

"Hey, what's up? You slept so much yesterday," she chuckles.

"Yea. I was really tired," I groan,  " and I just realized I still have to unpack...ughhhh."

"Oh no worries, Maya and I did that for you," she claims, taking a bite of her French toast.

"Aweee how nice. Thank you," I truly meant that for her. It was nice of Maya but I kind of don't like her now so it's hard to see anything good of her anymore.

"No problem. It's the least thing we could've done. After all u do get our groceries. You're a big need in this dorm," she laughs. I smile. I should get closer with Darby. I barely talk to her but she seems so sweet.


I hate class. It's so boring. Why do I hate everything today?  I put my hand down on my desk and groan. Thank God there's only 10 minutes left of class after this I get to my dorm and eat and sleep.

I should start planning I say to myself. Hmmm? How should I play this game?

Then it hit me.


I smile as I knew exactly what need to be done. I swear this will all blow up in their faces.




Finally!!!!! I get to leave. And my plan gets to start.

"Hi stranger," I smile to the one person who Lucas doesn't like me hanging with.... Jack.

"Oh hey, it's been awhile," he smiles. Awe his smile actually brings me joy.

"So what have you been up to?" I ask him.

"Nothing much. Just focusing on school. How about you ?" He queries.

"Not that much either. I recently got back from a trip to Florida," I say making small talk.

He gasps," No invite?" He says with a hurt look on his face. I laugh.

"It was a girls trip," I explain.

"Hey I don't mind going on a trip with girls," he smirks. I roll my eyes.


"Heyyy.... That hurt," he put his hand over his chest. Gosh..he's so hot! I couldn't help but laugh. It's good to laugh after dealing with boyfriend and best friend drama. I sigh remembering that night that was literally yesterday. But I won't let it get to me because today is part one of my plan.

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