Chapter 8

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Raiden floated in an inky blackness, no feelings sounds or sights around him. Not even thoughts filled his mind as he drifted in subconscious. Crackling of electricity filled the space where silence was, and his eyes opened to view the electrical energy surging around him, filling the space with brilliant blues and whites. He spun slowly in the blackness until he came face to face with the facade of a large wolf like creature, its fur standing on end, energy radiating from it. The two held eye contact for what seemed like an eternity, and when Raiden held out his hand to the animal it barred its teeth and snarled at him.

Weak human.

The words echoed through his mind, ringing in his ears. The beast was judging him.

You are undeserving of my powers.


His eyes fluttered open, the new voice sent a wave of calm over him as the bright light of day stung his eyes. He lay in his bed, his cousin stood over him, her face lighting up when she saw him awaken.

"Oh thank the gods you're okay!" She said, breathing out a sigh of relief.

His aunt rushed in shortly after, holding a glass of water for him to drink and helping him sit up in his bed.

"Ugh...What happened to me? It feels as though I was hit by a charging beast..."

"Oh, um...I don't really know."

"What? What do you mean you don't know?" He asked, looking at Nami.

"Well, I've never seen anything like it before...Your powers were working, but it wasn't like you were controlling them..." she admitted, growing quiet.

"We might be able to shed some light on what's happening." The voice came from the doorway, and the two turned to greet the dark haired woman smiling at them.

"Y-you were the Earth mage who helped save Raiden!" Nami gasped.

"Yes, hello again. We never formally met, I'm Aris and my partner in the doorway there is Min." She greeted, walking towards them. She was calm until she got to the bed, plopping herself down beside him and staring directing into his eyes.

"Wh-what are you doing?" he stammered.

"Yes...You're right, he definitely is one..." Aris muttered to herself, ignoring his question.

"A-A what?"

"A vessel." she responded with a grin.

"A what?"

"A vessel. You...You have to know you're one, right?"

Raiden shook his head, confused. Aris looked back at Min who was leaning on the doorframe, who shrugged at her.

"A vessel is a person who has the ability to harbor a spirit or god within them. They typically have the same element as that spirit which is what makes them ultimately compatible. The fact that you didn't know you're a vessel means you must have a dormant spirit...tell me!" she said, getting closer to his face. "Have you ever been able to control your lightning? Have you seen anything strange in your dreams?"


"He dreams about electric wolves and ice cream a lot." Nami joked, "And he hasn't been able to use his powers since..."

"Since the accident." He finished.

"Electric wolves..." Aris muttered, looking at an empty space in the room, talking to apparently no one. "What? Thunder beast? What a terrifying creature to have inside of you." She said, turning back to face Raiden. "But, spirits generally only inhabit humans who have no kin, but your family is right here." She paused, taking in his sorrowful expression. "I take it you lost people in that accident?"

"Yes..." He responded slowly.
"I see..." Aris looked back at Min again, who immediately gave her a look of confusion.
Aris stood up and excused herself from them, pulling Min out the door.
"They're rather strange, don't you think?" Name said when they were out of ear shot."
Aris walked with Min down the stairs and back out into the streets before finding a place to stop and speak with him.
"Aris, I know what you're thinking and we can't help him."
"Yes we can, Min! I have a good feeling about this."
"You and your feelings! If we stop and help everyone we'll never make it in time!"
"Min, this is what I've done all my life, I wander around and I help but...I feel as though we can use him. Gaia thinks so too!"
"We're already going to have four other people on our team soon enough, one more could just complicate things, especially when he doesn't know how to control his powers."
"I can teach him."
"How long is that going to take? We don't have that much time and we still have to travel across the country!"
"Min, we need all the help we can get."
He took a deep breath in, not wanting to fight her anymore. He only knew her for a few months but even from that she had gotten her way. Although Min didn't want to admit it, her feelings were usually right. He let out a sigh and nodded his head.
The day passed and the new dawn rose. With the sun rising in the sky, Raiden left the house to start his day with Nami beside him. She was still worried about him and even though he assured her that he felt better she was still going to stay with him the entire day.
"Just the Mage I was looking for." Aris greeted them from the wall she was leaning against, Min standing beside her.
"Oh, hello, uh Aris right?" Raiden asked, smiling at her. "What can I do for you?"
"You don't need to do much for me besides let me help you." She said with a grin, standing to face him. She stood at his height and was able to look him straight in the eyes. "I want to help you control your powers."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2016 ⏰

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