Chapter Eighteen

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Hi everyone! Enjoy this chapter.. please don't forget to comment what you think so far of this story Chosen, and if you have any feedback that would mean so much!!

I ignored the hunger that slowly took over my mind. I ignored the heat, although I could still feel the sun burning my skin, crisp. Grabbing out the water bottle, I drank the last drop that stayed cool inside. I stopped, rummaging through the backpack for more water.


I threw the water bottle on the ground in frustration. The metal material it was made of, smashed everywhere. I walked on.


I listened carefully as I waited for someone to speak on the other line.

"Carmen," started the voice on the other end. "Take off the bag, and leave everything now, you are coming close to the Vertex Headquarters."

My heart started thumping fast. I was nearly there. I pulled off the backpack, it felt so much lighter  without it. Then I remembered the letter. Taking it out, I stuffed it in my pocket, and continued on.

The Vertex Headquarters looked small where I was standing.  As I got closer, I gasped. Big white cement gates were paved around the large building, covering most of what was inside. I walked up to the gates, my legs trembling. A voice appeared out of nowhere.

"State your name," it said.

"Carmen," I called out.

"What is your business here."

I remembered what Kaylene told me to say.

"I was participating in part of the Vertex Testing Center, where it got hijacked. I have found my way here, as I heard that I would be expected here."

The cement gates screeched open, and I saw a thin figure on the other side. Her hands were on her hips. As I came closer, she held the same devious smile.


"Carmen!" She called out, in a friendly voice I had never heard before.

"Hello," I said back, trying to keep my trembling legs unnoticeable.

"This way," she replied, heading into the big white entrance to a building. The doors automatically opened before her. I walked into the grounds of the headquarters. Different air crafts and even some pods were parked around on the newly paved black road. I was led into the building, the two security guards staring at me curiously. I walked passed them, trying to look as innocent as possible.

This was going to be harder than I thought.

We walked into an open tiled reception, with heaps of workers scattered everywhere. Everyone looked at me curiously. They all buzzed about, and they seemed like they were in a hurry.
"Right this way," called out Emma, opening a wooden office door. What was up with her?  She seemed so different. More friendly and calm.
She sat behind a desk, leaning back on the big leather chair.
"Carmen, how good it is to see you. What happened to you?" She asked. I could see she obviously knew about trying to send me out in a pod.
"I just got out of the building and then all of a sudden it completely blew up!" I explained, trying as much as I can to look innocent.
Emma leaned forward in her chair. "We have some serious business to discuss."
"You are special Carmen, and we are certian that you are the one."
I looked at her confused. "What one?"
She leaned back in her chair, her face expression looking as if I asked her an obvious question.
"To lead the Vertex Headquarters, of course."

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