Chapter Ten

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Hi everyone! Hope you like chapter ten! Don't forget to vote and comment what you think!

My legs burned, and I wiped the sweat beads that gathered on my forehead with the back of my hand. No one talked. We just walked, trusting each other's instincts. Darcy walked next to me.

"So, Carmen." He finally started.

"So." I replied breathlessly.

"You think you're part of the Chosen?" He quickly asked. I snapped my head to look at him. Why would he ask me that?

"Well, I am not sure." I started. "What about yourself?"

He smirked, for the first time. "Well I am pretty sure I am something." I looked at the sand on the ground and frowned.

"There!" We all looked up, to see a group of trees in the distance. "Let's go!" Yelled another person. We all ran at different levels. I noticed Bonnie near the front, and I breathed out the air that I was holding in. Aaron was near her. We ran, some people slowing to a stop, some falling down and picking themselves up again.

"Woohoo!" Yelled out a boy punching the air. I smiled at him breathlessly. "We made it!" He screamed out again, running even faster to get to the end. I picked up my pace, until I was next to Aaron. He had been a bit quiet during our test.

"We made it." I said to him. He looked at me, his eyes shining. He shined his white, pearly teeth at me.

"We did it."

Darcy caught up with me, and I felt his hand close around mine. Hand in hand, we both ran to the trees, and jumped together, folding into the darkness.

I made it.

I woke up, no longer thirsty as I was in the test. The monitor beeped next to me, and I pulled out the needle just as the nurse came. She had a solemn look on her face.

"Well done, Miss Carmen. You completed yet another test." She smiled. I got up, and left the test room, and headed to the dormitories. Grabbing a new set of clothes, I took a quick shower. Then I remembered the tattoo looking symbols on my arm. I checked, to see indeed, two other symbols. One was a light grey color, and the symbol was a twister. It must of been my second last test. The other one was a shimmering red color, a red sun in the middle. All four of the symbols shimmered on my arm. What did they mean?

I walked out of the bathroom, and back to the foyer, where people already started to come back. This time, there was about 10 of us left.

"Carmen!" I turned to see Bonnie at a table. I walked to her, placing a tray of my own down. Her arms were battered and bruised. 

"What happened?" I asked her. She swallowed.

 "Nothing." She picked at her meal with her fork. I haven't seen her like this before. Before I could say anything else to her, someone placed their hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Darcy there, with a big grin on his face. 

"Come." He said, taking my hand. "I need to give you something." I looked back at Bonnie, to see her raise her eyebrows in curiosity, a small smile perched on her lips. He lead me out of the foyer, and stopped, facing me in the hallway. 

"Here." He whispered, handing me a small envelope, with my name written messily on the front. 

"What is it?"

"Open it after, when no one is around." He instructed. "Nobody is going to know about this okay?" 

I looked at his serious expression. "Sure." He stared at me for a minute, and leaned in close, pressing a small kiss on my cheek. He then walked off, back into the foyer, not looking back. I touched the place, where he had kissed me. I still could feel it there. Butterflies swam in my stomach crazily. People started to come out of the test room, so I stuffed the letter into my pocket. 

Bonnie's eyes lit up as she saw me again. "What happened?"

"Nothing." I answered, trying to hide my enthusiasm. She eyed me suspiciously. 

"Hey." I turned to see Aaron placing his tray next to me. He had changed as well, into a v-neck t shirt and jeans. 

"Do you think this means that we are all chosen?" Asked Bonnie wide eyed.

"I don't know." Replied Aaron, biting the inside of his lip.

"There's more to it." I agreed. 

The rest of the group headed back to the dormitories. I trudged down the hall, slamming into a wall, as Mason pushed me aside. "Watch where you're going!" He hissed at me.

The night seemed like it would go on forever. I hadn't seen Emma yet, after she plunged the needle in my arm. I then remembered the note. Creeping to the bathroom for light, I closed the door and locked it behind me. The note was sealed closed with what seemed like some sort of glue. Tearing it open, I read what the messy handwriting said:


Tomorrow night, be ready so I can come and get you. I have a surprise for you.

From Darcy.

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