Chapter 1: It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

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Robin: 1st December

It was in the early days of my first winter, when the trees had finished shedding their leaves and stood bare in the waning sun, that I gained initial knowledge of Divine Day. Sumia had been humming strange folk songs under her breath for weeks, and Lissa had been making long lists of names, but I'd never understood the significance. It wasn't until I retired to the royal library on the first evening of the official Divine season that I found a mention of it in one of the books I was reading.

I'd been trying to learn more about Ylisse for months by reading all that the library had to offer on the subject -- as a princess-to-be, I knew that I needed some basic knowledge of the country. But the endless tasks after the Plegian war had kept me busy, and I scarcely had time to read and relax.

Sweat broke out across my forehead as I scanned the vast amount of information about Divine Day. I flipped to the next page out of curiosity, and the next, and the next, and resisted the urge to lay my head down on the table.

I had a lot of studying to do to be a worthy princess.

I pulled my candle closer in the gloom, leaving a clean track on the dusty table, and leaned forwards so that I could see the small writing better.

Divine Day (also known as the Day of the Divine or the Day of Naga) is an Ylissean celebration steeped in traditions, some of which are over a thousand years old. Long ago, the fell dragon tried to destroy the world, but the first exalt of Ylisse called upon the divine dragon to help him lay the beast to rest. Today, many Ylisseans celebrate the defeat of Grima during the month of December up until the 25th, the day that the fell dragon was banished from our land. Typical traditions include re-enactments of the battle, winter festivals, and gift giving to those –

"Robin? Are you in here?"

My heart leapt at the familiar voice, and a smile spread across my face. I couldn't see Chrom, but his hushed tone was close.

"Over here," I whispered.

A shadowy figure stepped into my aisle, the poor lighting hiding his features from view. I didn't need my eyes to confirm who it was. I could feel the electricity across my skin and the thread from Chrom's heart reaching out like a grappling hook and latching onto mine.

"Hello," I whispered as he stepped into the small area of light created by my candle.

His blue hair was a ruffled mess, and the circles under his eyes were darker than usual. If I hadn't known his schedule already, it would be clear that he'd been in a political meeting.

He leaned forwards and put his hands on my desk, smiling as our eyes reached the same level. Some exhaustion lifted from his face. "Hello."

"How was the meeting?"

"A waste of my time," he said ruefully. His gaze drifted to the book in front of me, and he leaned further forwards still. "What's that?"

"An interesting book that's been telling me a lot of things you forgot to mention." I raised my eyebrows. "Like Divine Day."

"I was going to mention that to you." A faint blush rose to his cheeks. "I just..."

"Forgot. Like I said."

He winced. "My apologies."

"You could make it up to me by sitting here while I study," I said hopefully. "Or...we could –"

Chrom shook his head. "I wish we could. But tomorrow the Duke of Themis is coming for a meeting about our Divine Festival, and if any of the Shepherds happened to notice that you were missing from your room and made a comment within earshot, it would be a disaster. The people of Ylisse like things to be traditional, and we have not even announced our engagement yet. If they discovered that we've slept together, there would be an uproar."

I sighed. "I know. I don't wish for that." I lowered my eyes. "Studying with me it is, then."

"You don't need to read about Divine Day, Robin. You just need to experience it. The Shepherds take Divine Day very seriously, so you'll gain brilliant first-hand knowledge. In addition, I'm making it my personal mission to ensure your first memory of this season will be perfect." He smiled again. "Flavia has invited us to attend the Winter Festival in Regna Ferox, so there will even be some traditions that we'll all be experiencing for the first time." He gently pulled the book away from me. "We have an early start tomorrow morning and a lot of meetings. Go to sleep."

"You mentioned that we have a festival, too –"

"Which you'll get to experience for yourself. Don't try to study it. I know you want to make up for what you've lost, but you can count on me."

He was wearing such a determined expression that I couldn't help but smile. "I always know I can count on you."

"Good. I will give you the perfect Divine Day, I promise." He moved around my desk and offered me his hand. "Now, get some rest. Perhaps we can sleep together another night."

I placed my hand in his, chemistry rushing through my veins. He pulled me to my feet and placed a fleeting kiss on my lips. As he drew back, I reached out to grab his collar, but the fabric slipped through my fingers.

He gave me a cheeky grin. "If I stay here any longer, I really will take you to bed with me, Ylisse be damned. Goodnight, Robin."

He faded back into the shadows again. I watched them until my heart stopped fluttering.

Then I looked back down at my books. I knew that I should put them away and go to bed, but I could at least finish reading that passage.

I sank into my chair and pulled the book towards me.  

...Typical traditions include re-enactments of the battle, winter festivals, and gift giving to those one loves.

Divine Day has proven to be the most popular time of year for engagements, with sales on rings spiking by 21%. They are the most common gift given on Divine Day. Other gifts often include flowers, chocolates, and gold. In addition, they are not solely limited to romantic relationships. Friends, too, tend to exchange gifts of less extravagance.

I turned the page with shaking hands. A small illustration of a ruby ring took up the next sheet of paper, alongside other drawings of necklaces and gift-wrapped boxes. I traced the outline of the ring with my fingertip. There was still much to do to restore Ylisse to her former glory, but the brunt of the work was over. We were starting to resume our normal lives again. Perhaps now would finally be the time to tell the world that Chrom and I were getting married.

I closed the book and stood up, gathering the rest of my texts in my arms and returning them to their shelves. I felt more awake than I had done all day -- the thought of making our engagement official and having a date set for the wedding always filled me with excitement. It would mean that we could be openly affectionate without having to worry about who was watching.

It would also mean that we could sleep together.

That was very important to me. Because that night, just like every other, I lay down in bed feeling cold. The mattress seemed too big, the duvet was like ice, and there was a lonely feeling gnawing on my stomach as I closed my eyes.

I wrapped my arms around myself and tried to pretend that they were Chrom's, but it still took me a long time to go to sleep.

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