Chapter 8: All I Want for Christmas is You

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Robin: 24th December

Only one more sleep was to be had until Divine Day. Cards had been exchanged or slipped under doors, presents had been wrapped, and more biscuits had been baked and eaten. I'd partaken in all of these activities, but I was feeling considerably less lighthearted than everyone else. Chrom had been busy all day, and I'd only seen him in passing. His card was still nestled in my coat pocket.

In the evening, as the excitement began to build instead of quietening down, I left the garrison and picked my way across the muddy snow in the courtyard to the royal stables. It was already dark, so I took a lantern with me.

The barn was devoid of all human activity. The stable hands had finished their tasks in the early afternoon and had been given the rest of the day off to spend with their families. I was glad of it, for it meant that I could present Hero with his Divine gift in private. It was the one thing I had finally managed to successfully cook – horse treats.

I dawdled down Hero's aisle, feeling the peacefulness of the stables settle over me and smother my frayed nerves. The only noise was a gentle munching sound as the horses ate their hay, and a soft whinny as Hero stuck his head over the stable door. Chrom had once told me that my horse knew the sound of my footsteps, but I'd never believed him until now.

"Hello," I murmured when I reached Hero, running a hand down his furry face and kissing him on his nose. He stretched his head as close to me as he could, his upper lip wriggling as he tried to stick his muzzle in my pockets. I smiled. "Can you smell your present, boy? I made it. I hope you don't mind."

I pulled a small container from my pocket. The yard livened up at the first rattle, dishevelled horse heads appearing over stable doors. Hero bit the edge of the container, then tried to put all of it in his mouth. I laughed and moved it out of his reach. "Wait, wait! Let me open it!"

I popped the lid off and tipped some treats into my palm before holding them out to him. He took them eagerly but gently, then nudged my hands for some more. I wondered if they tasted nice, or if the flavour just didn't matter to him. I let him have a few extra, then his ignored his hopeful eyes and put the rest away for Divine Day. He searched my hands and pockets, then retreated further into his stable again when it was clear I would be feeding him no more. I turned and started back the way I had come.

I was just nearing the doorway when a blue-haired prince stepped inside.

"Robin!" Chrom gathered me into a hug so suddenly that my lantern was almost squashed between us. "I was hoping that I would find you here. I've brought a present for Kazuko, but I also have something for you."

He stepped back and held out a thick, cream envelope. I exchanged it for my cheaper, slightly battered one and caught his hand before he could move away. "Will you open it now?"

"Only if you open yours."

He started to carefully peel his envelope open, but he quickly grew frustrated with it and tore the paper. I laughed, then lowered my eyes and opened my own.

Inside, I found an elegant card with a beautiful picture of the divine dragon on the front. The first exalt was there, too, and Chrom's beloved sword. I smiled to myself as I recalled the pride with which he had first explained its history to me. Then I opened the card.

Dear Robin,

Happy Divine Day!

I'm so excited to celebrate your first Divine Day with you. It will also be a first for me, because I've never shared it with anyone as special as you before. While I've been trying to help you create new memories, I have also created new memories for myself which I will always look back upon fondly. In my quest to give you a perfect Divine Day, you have given me one, and I'm very grateful, Robin. You are always teaching me to live instead of to just survive, even if you don't know it.

I love you for it. I love you for everything.

I love you, Robin.

- Chrom xxx

"It's beautiful, Robin," Chrom said.

I looked up with a smile. I felt as if I was glowing with happiness from the very core. "So is yours. Thank you."

He moved his card into his other hand, which was also clenched around a box of market-bought treats. Then he intertwined our fingers together. "Do you want to come with me to see Kazuko?"

"I'd love to."

I followed him further into the stables again, smiling as Hero reappeared at his door to watch me. When we found Kazuko, she was waiting in an equally expectant manner. Still, she was patient as Chrom opened her small box of treats, and she only tried to eat them when they were offered to her. Chrom rubbed circles into the snowy-white fur of her forehead, and she closed her eyes while she chewed.

"Hero is much cheekier," I said ruefully. "You've trained her well."

"I've had a long time to," Chrom said. "Emm bought her as a gift for me not long after she became the exalt, and she spent much of her free time teaching me how to look after her. Perhaps some of her calm attitude rubbed off." He smiled sadly. "They were both very fond of each other. Did you know that it was Emm who named her?"

"No," I murmured.

"She picked Kazuko because it means 'child of peace'. I suppose that's what she wanted me to be." He stared at his mare thoughtfully.

"And that's what you are," I said gently. "Look at us. We're at peace. It will take time to rebuild both our army and our villages, but we are well on our way to doing it. No one would have believed that the fighting would be over in time for us to celebrate Divine Day a few months ago."

"Hmm." Chrom watched Kazuko for a moment longer, then put his box of horse treats away and smiled at me. "The Shepherds are certainly more excited than I've ever seen them. Are you excited for tomorrow?"

"Of course."

He frowned, searching my eyes. "But...?"

"What do you mean?"

"You don't look as carefree as everyone else. Something's bothering you."

I shook my head with a wry smile. Chrom could always read me like an open book. "I just miss you, like I always do." I hesitated. The gentle look on his face made it impossible for me not to spill my heart. "I...I wish that we could sleep together tonight, and every night, without sneaking around. And I wish that I had a proper excuse to be with you all the time, and I wish that we could just be ourselves in public, and I wish –"

He caught me around the waist and hauled me towards him, pressing his lips against mine. I melted into him instantly. His mouth tasted like gingerbread, but it faded into the background as I lost myself in a better flavour: him. He moaned and pulled me closer, and I smiled against his lips.

When we eventually pulled away, I wanted to scream, "Don't go! Stay here with me, forever!" I was so scared I might say the words out loud that I tried to turn and scramble out of his embrace, but he just held me tighter.

He slid his fingers under my chin and gently raised my head. "If you could have one Divine wish, Robin, what would it be?"

This time, I didn't hesitate. "I wish we were married."

He smiled. "You know we will be, soon. Perhaps we'll even be married by our next Divine Day." His eyes suddenly took on a cheeky glint. "Do you know what I'm looking forward to most about tomorrow?"

He seemed so proudly mischievous that my spirits started to lift. I smiled back. "Waking up and opening your presents?"

"No." He leaned forwards and pressed his lips against my forehead. "Waking up and seeing you."

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