Chapter 1

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Cover made by @Mprastos

Thank you so much :D


"Who are you?" I mumbled so only she could hear, she seemed very worried and I tried my best not to roll my eyes at the nervous girl in front of me.

"Look I know you don't talk to girls but... I need your help." She said, keeping her arms crossed in front of her. My eyes suddenly widened, if she knew why would she even try to speak to me?

"Well I can't really help you, you see I have this thing called a brain and I know if I help you- soon other girls will come to me for help." I gave her a fake smile, as I was about to turn around her hand landed on my shoulder.

"B-but this girl she- she's in the bathroom. They're beating her up!" She let out a snobby cry. My head clears up as I realize that this girl wasn't trying to just be a pain like most other girls that asked for my assistance in retarded things. One being beating up people that talked shit behind their back- knowing that I could get in trouble I always avoided them. That was one of many reasons why I avoided the girls in the school.

"I really shouldn't, I could get in trouble and I kinda promised myself that I wouldn't get suspended the first day of school." I said lowly.

"Just go help the poor girl." Timmy said. I turned around scrunched up my nose at him. "Just go." I didn't even realize he was here already, I was waiting for him to tell him good news.

"Timmy, remember l can't." I said more seriously. He rolled his eyes at me and gave me a light push towards the girl. 

"Joey..." Timmy says seriously. "Just go you won't get in trouble if you're helping someone." He stated patting my back.

"Fine but if I do you're going down with me got it?" I slapped his hand away from me and he nodded.

"Yeah of course. Now don't break any nails we don't need to take you to the nurse because of that." Timmy says loudly when I begin to walk.

"Oh gosh no, never!" I say sarcastically, he knew that I knew how to punch and that would be no problem for me.


"Please don't talk to me." I interrupt rudely. It was a really quiet awkward walk to the bathroom. When we where in front of the bathroom door I took a deep breath. There was always reasons why I avoided coming to the restroom here, one of them being the horrid smell. I pushed the bathroom door open without a second thought, I already told her I was going to help and I didn't want to seem like to big of an asshole. The first thing my eyes landed on was the dirty rusty floor tiles, God knows when people clean these restrooms.

My eyes traveled to the stalls and two very Barbie like girls were shoving another one in the bathroom toilet. I coughed to get their attention but no such luck, they were to busy laughing at the girl being shoved in the toilet. I sighed as I realize they weren't going to turn around. I turned to look at the girl next to me, the one that had called for help. She was looking back at me intensely waiting for my to do something and I knew it would most likely not end up well on my part.

Pressing my lips together I looked back at the two girls, getting your head shoved in the toilet was not fun and I should know sense I go threw it every day with my wicked step mother.

"Hey." My voice came out more stern than threatening. Which I was not going for, but as long as they get the gif that I am trying to help a fellow classmate.

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