Chapter 5

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One day.

I'm actually exited to punch his face. Why?

Because he's a pain in the ass.

Did you really think there was another reason?

"I don't want you to go." Timmy said. Timmy's eyes shined with sadness.

"Timmy-first of, it's tomorrow not today." I made a 'duh' face and kept going. "Second, I can beat his sorry ass."

"You don't understand. He has never lost a fight." He warns. What is this? The sixtieth time he told me?

"As I told you before, he's never tied either and I haven't lost either I bet I'll beat him." I say.

"That's not fair I know your going to make me your slave or something." His eyes go lower. I laugh and keep my smile on.

"That wouldn't be so bad. But how about if I loose ill go on a date with you." I turn to look at him. His frown quickly turned into a smile and turned to look at me. I guess he didn't think I was looking because when he saw me he quickly turned and took his smile away. But you can still see the happiness in his eyes.

I mean I'm not stupid. You can tell Timmy has a tiny crush on me. Even if I don't want to admit it to anyone, I know.

"And if I win-"

"I'm not going to be your slave."

"God- see what you did? Now I forgot on what I was going to make you do." I shake my head in disappointment. He sighs and continues to look at me.

"Okay well it involves you telling me everything you know about the 'badass'" I make "" with my fingers to show that in reality he's weak. I mean who looses to a girl?

Not him he tied to a girl.

Wow. Big difference.

"Umm, I don't know..." Timmy said. I look him and raise an eyebrow.

"So you think I'm going to loose. Why so worried?"

"We'll what I do know, I can't say..." He trails of and looks into space. I sigh and look towards the wall. Why can't he tell me? I mean he can't have anything as bad as mine right?

"Timmy, I'm going to win and you know it. I won't loose a fight. Not now- not ever." He stares at me for a while.

"I hope your right." He whispers before he exits my room.

I sigh. He was my ride to school. I should start walking.


The ride to school was awkward.

Timmy didn't talk to me. And I really felt like punching the shit out of him for ignoring me.

When we got to school I stormed out of the car closing the door as hard as I could. As I pick up the pace I see Rick and Robert coming into view. I walk right past them without a hello.

It's just one of those days.

I quickly go to the back of school and take a turn coming to a stop In front of the janitors door. I open it and step inside.

In a cliche story you would find someone fucking in here. But this isn't a cliche.

I growled to myself.

How can he think I can't take on Kevin? Dose he think I'm week now? Is that it? Did I go week?

I pushed some things of the shelfs and grabbed the broom in the right side of the little room. I started to hit the wall with it. I kicked the wall and tried to shout with no sound. After kicking and hitting the wall about some more I growled again and sat down. My hands went to my hat and pulled it off. I gave my hair a little pull.

Taming Ms. Tomboy Where stories live. Discover now