Chapter 3

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Moments before

"What you all afraid I might beat you?" I snorted out.

"Not me." I hear someone from the crowed. But I didn't know who. "I can beat your sorry ass any day!" And then I realize who it was.


Stupid bad boy.

"Alright get up here!" The guy next to me shouted. I rolled my eyes. I felt that thrill. I don't know why. Maybe because I get to beet a croaky bastard.

That and I want my hat back.

I did a double take as I saw he was already up here. Damn it. I should pay more attention to things.

"You both now the rules right?" I nod. I look at his blue eyes. Maybe if I stare hard enough ill hurt him. Not that my fist won't do that.

"In this corner our undefeated champion! Joey!" I hear Kevin snicker and say something between the line of 'not for long'. I made a face and he made the same face back. His nose was scrunched up. And his lips were pressed together. I laughed quietly to myself. His face was so funny! I mean that idiot. His face is pretty funny.

"Fighters ready?" We both say yea. "I want a clean fight." He started to say the rules even though we know them. I hear the cheers from the crowd. My teeth clench. When I hear the 'ding'

At first me and Kevin just looked at each other. All I heard was cheering while his blue eyes bore into mine. I don't know what it was about his eyes but they reminded me of something.

Or of someone.

I felt a punch straight in my stomach. I gasped for air. What the fuck?! That was a damn hard punch. Talk about the first hard move. My hand wait straight for his jaw. But I hit air. There was another punch on my left side of my stomach. It was still pretty hard. Maybe the first one was because I was not ready. This time I hit him back. Straight in his chest. He sucked in his breath. Maybe a bit to hard? A bit to hard for my liking my fist were pounding more that usual. I saw his hand about to punch me I ducked. I quickly dropped him on the floor. I got on top and hit him straight in the jaw. We did turned overs and rolling on the floor. I feel something pulling me back and I see someone else pulling Kevin back. All I hear was screaming. My heart was pounding. His eyes were a shiny blue. More than usual.


"Final round!" I heard the ding. Telling us to get ready. I stood up drinking a bit more water. I started limping back to my spot. I have three sprained fingers. A sprained leg. I dislocated my hand but I put it back in it's place. Wouldn't want something like that to stop me now would I? In these rounds I have had about six bloody nose. And that's something. Most I've ever had in a fight. My stomach was bruised badly. And I bet I had some bruises on my jaw or my face period.

And let me tell you. Kevin did not look any better than me.

We were standing there staring at each other. I looked into his eyes waiting for the signal for us to start to fight again. I looked into his good eye. Because in round three I gave him a pretty horrible hit on his eye. I licked my lips as I knew there were some seconds left. None of us have won one round. We always end up on the floor pounding each other and we get separated. But not this time I knew I had to win this one to win the hole thing.

I heard the signal for us to start to fight again. I didn't waist any time anymore. I hit him straight in the jaw. Making him do a double take. He throw a punch but I ducked. I hit him in the stomach. I felt a punch on my jaw moments later. Then another. Then another. All in different places. I blinked. I stared at him for a second. Taking in what was happening. Something inside me clicked. I punched I kicked I jumped on him. I punched him over and over again in his face. I punched his bad eye again. I felt another punch but my body ignored it. I punched again.

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