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This one is short, and try to read it slowly

I want to tell you about a girl. She's intelligent. Beautiful. Kind. But,

I never see her smile, laugh, cry, or even mad. It's like she didn't have any emotions. She's emotionless.

Deep down, I have this urge to change that. I want to see her smile, I want to see her when she's happy. Because I like her. A lot.

I remember that day, where I get to talk to her. I helped her on our chemistry class

"So you just pour it on, and that's it" I said
"Thanks, Jack" I turned to face her in disbelieve
"You know my name?"
"Of course I do, we're in a lot of same classes" she said. And we locked eyes
"I need to go" she said as she pick up her books
"I- I'm looking forward to seeing you again, elsa" i said hesitated
"Yeah sure" and with that she left. And I still see no smile

And from that day, we talked more. on lunch break, in front of her locker, or even on the hallways.

When we passed each other, i usually smiled to her. But her responses was just nods.

We're getting more and more close to one another. I even walk her to her house one day.

It makes me falling deeper. Until I don't know if this feelings are normal anymore.

Many people fall in love by smiles, i have never seen her smile, but I'm falling. I'm falling for her personality. She's beautiful even without smile. She's beautiful that way.

Until that day when I ask her out to the park

"Hey Elsa," i said
"Hm?" She replied
"Do you think it's weird if I like you?" I ask
"What?" She faced me
"I like you. A lot" I said
She didn't said anything. Just staring at me
"No.." After feels like an eternity, She finally said
"I'm sorry, what?" I ask
"I- I can't. Goodbye jack"
And with a last glance, she walk away from me, back to her house.

I just stood there confused, what just happened? Did she shut me out?

I ran following her to her house, when I arrived, I knock on the door and a short girl with brown hair opened the door

"Oh you must be Elsa's friend,"
"Yeah I'm Jack"
"Well I'm her younger sister, anna. If you're looking for her, just knock on that white door down this hall, it's her room" and she let me in. And i quickly went to the door she's telling me about

"Els? It's me, I understand that you didn't like me back, but i just wanted to talk,

Please try to open up your heart els, don't pushed away your emotions. I am here if you want to talk. I'm here, because i think I love you Elsa"

Seems like a minute have been passed and I heard the door clicked, she's opening the door

"I do have emotions. I can feel love Jack. But, I'm just tired of getting hurt. So I shut them out. I shut everyone out. I even shut my friends out. I shut my feelings out. All this time I pretend that I didn't feel anything, because I am scared. My past haunt me. I didn't want to feel the pain anymore"

She's trying so hard to keep her tears from dripping. Seeing her cry makes me hate myself. She slowly looking up at me

"But, I think, because of you, I'm ready to feel love for one more time. I guess I'm ready to give one more chance, to a special person, thanks jack, for making me feel Happier than ever." The corner of her lips turned up and her teeth exposed a little.

And at that moment its like the whole world around us stops.

She's smiling.

The most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

Seeing her smile give a huge smile on my face too. "Seeing you smile makes all my waitings worth it"

"You're flawless" I started at her smiling widely. She let a little laugh escape, makes me need her even more.

I place my hand on her cheek, she closed her eyes and put her hand on top of mine. I slowly leaning towards her. We touch foreheads. And the gap between us closed.

I kissed her. I kissed the most beautiful girl I have ever met.

And I'm going to do my best to keep her Happy.


Thank you for reading

please don't hesitate to correct my grammar mistakes

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