Chapter 13: Sheik and Veress

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Chapter 13: Sheik and Veress

The first thing that Link noticed upon fully recovering from his latest spell of corruption was that Sheik was no longer right beside him as she had been before Fi had brought the Master Sword to him. Opening his eyes fully and glancing around the temple, he quickly discovered that the Sheikah leader was nowhere in sight. Her disappearance was disconcerting to him, considering the fact that there was a very real chance that she could have gone off after Veress on her own, in pursuit of the Goddess's Harp, a dangerous and reckless mission for anyone to attempt alone.

"Fi, where's Sheik?" the hero asked the sword spirit as she took her hands off the Master Sword, relinquishing it to his care. Fi did not answer him, but rather cast an angry glare towards the ground. Link gave her a confused look, but pressed on nonetheless. "Fi-"

"She is outside," the spirit answered rather sharply, clear aggravation and bitterness on her robotic tone. Her glare softened however, when she realized that she had unintentionally disrespected the hero. "Master... I am sorry... What I mean to say is that she stepped out into the woods. Do not worry, she is right outside, but... before you go out to meet her, I must have a brief word with you, Master Link..."

"What's wrong, Fi?" he asked as he resheathed the Master Sword.

She sighed, glaring down once more. "With all due respect, Master, I do not think it is wise to place your trust in that... Sheikah..." she placed an distasteful emphasis on the word 'Sheikah' as she cast a glance towards the open side doors of the temple.

"What?" Link asked, raising an eyebrow at her. "Why not?"

"It is a matter of the current state of her tribe..." Fi said with cold calculation. "While it is true that she is a direct descendant of Impa, it is clear to see that presently, the Sheikah tribe is going through a great schism. It is safe to say that all of them should be considered as enemies to both you and Zelda, rather than allies, including Sheik. For all we know, she could be secretly allied with the Interlopers, leading you astray with the purpose of betraying you into Veress's hands sometime in the near future. Perhaps you should evaluate the situation further and-"

"Stop it, Fi," the hero said firmly, refusing to even fathom what she was telling him. "Sheik's not like them. She wants to help Zelda, just like I do. What has she done to make you think she can't be trusted?"

"She let the Interlopers get away with the Goddess's Harp," the spirit said somewhat crossly.

"She didn't just let them get away!" Link argued, starting to grow impatient with her. "She-"

"Listen, Master..." Fi said, giving him a piercing gaze. "I am not trying to tell you what to do. I am simply trying to advise you in the best course of action. Might I remind you that we are dealing with a very delicate situation here on all sides? The surface and Zelda are both in great danger at the hands of the Interlopers and your own life is bending to the threat of corruption. The last thing you need at the moment is to be subdued at the hands of the Interlopers thanks to any form of misguided faith. I simply wish to help you see what is best for you..."

"Well maybe I can figure out what's best for me on my own!" Link said in defiant frustration as he rose to his feet. "I'm not a little kid, Fi! I can think for myself. And I think you're wrong about Sheik. She's not going to betray me. I trust her and you should too."

Fi said nothing as she took the reprimand of her master, but instead she simply gave him a cold look of indifference. She refused to admit that she was wrong, even to her own master. And so, she simply looked away from him as he finished, showing that she was done with this conversation. Link sighed when he saw that she gave him no reaction. He had a mind to apologize for getting harsh with her, but knew that to do so know would undermine his resolve. He fully believed that the sword spirit was wrong in her theory about the Sheikah leader and he intended to prove it. And so, he turned and slowly started for the side doors that Sheik had went out of, leaving the spirit behind in the echoing silence of the temple.

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