Chapter 3: Song of Healing

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Chapter 3: Song of Healing

As the trio continued to walk across the field, Terminus couldn't help but eavesdrop in on Link and Zelda's conversation and feel somewhat envious of the close bond that they obviously shared. There had been a time when she had shared a relationship like that with her own hero, before he had been transformed by the evil demon into the Fierce Deity. He had been a simple young man from the growing village, who seemed to be quite ordinary upon a first glance. Terminus remembered fondly what he used to look like: dark brown hair, light green eyes, a lean, yet sturdy build, and a kind smile. And beyond that, his heart was generous, gentle and pure. His skill with a blade had been unparalleled throughout the land of Termina and his loyalty to its goddess was without question. And it was for that reason that Terminus had chosen him to rise up against Majora in her stead. She had given him this task in person, and it was at that moment that a bond began to form between the two of them almost naturally. In between preparations for the oncoming battle, the two of them would spend almost every waking hour together, building something that quickly escalated into a passionate romance. He seemed to not care at all that she was a goddess and that he was a mere mortal and when she was with him, she seemed to forget that fact herself. As far as they were concerned, they were both equals, and nothing else mattered. For several weeks, they were each other's entire world and all was blissful. They spent many happy hours together, until the fateful day came when the hero fought Majora and suffered from its corrupting touch. In the aftermath of the battle, he lost himself entirely and was transformed from the hero that the goddess had once loved dearly, into a fierce warrior with only one agenda: to merciless kill the one he had once loved as well by the command of his unrelenting demon master. And, even though the Deity could no longer love his goddess any more, there was no question that, even though she was forced to wage war against him, Terminus still loved her hero and always would.

As Terminus was lost in her bittersweet memories, she almost didn't notice that her former hero had snuck up on her and was ready to strike her down. In fact, she wouldn't have noticed at all if it hadn't been for Zelda's surprised and terrified gasp coming from behind her. The goddess of Termina turned her head just in time to see the Fierce Deity towering over her, his deadly blade poised to murder her in an instant. Unable to react out of fear and shock, she closed her eyes and turned away so she wouldn't have to watch his sword come down. But much to her great fortune, it didn't. Instead the loud crash of clanging metal sounded throughout the field. Terminus opened her eyes to find Link standing between her and the Deity's blade, defending against the attack with the Great Fairy's Sword.

"Both of you, run!" he shouted, clearly struggling against the formidable physical power of the Deity. "Now!"

Zelda didn't hesitate to follow his command and began to hurry away from the battle scene, until she saw Terminus, still frozen in terror, her eyes wide with fright. Gathering up as much courage as she could, the girl rushed towards her twin and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her to her feet and dragging her out of the Deity's reach until they were a safe ten feet away from both heroes.

Despite the Deity's great might, Link managed to muster the strength to push the corrupted hero back, creating a distance of several feet between the two of them. The Deity stood still for a moment as Link caught his breath, giving him and Zelda a chance to take in the frightful appearance of Terminus' former hero. He was at least eight feet tall and looked to be quite muscular and strong. He wielded a large blade that used to be two separate swords, their metals now twisted and fused together in the shade of a double-helix. But as Zelda looked between him and Link, she noticed something that unnerved her quite a bit: the Deity looked extremely similar to her own hero. It was true that there were quite a few physical differences, such as their contrasting blades and the Deity's eyes, which were pure white and pupil-less, along with the red and blue war paint markings on his face and his snow-white hair. However, they shared many characteristics as well: their facial structures and builds were about the same aside from their heights, and they both wore a cap and tunic, though Link's were green and the Deity's were light blue, coupled with thick metal chest armor and gauntlets and black leggings. And, as Zelda noticed these uncanny resemblances, she realized something important: in the same way that Terminus and Hylia were counterparts to each other, each from a different, yet parallel world, so were the goddesses' respective heroes. But she had no time to dwell on the fact as she watched Terminus' former hero raise his double-helix blade into the air. A strange glow began to form around it as the overcast skies above grew dark and a storm started to brew. A clear barrier surrounded the makeshift battle field of the two heroes, much to Zelda's dismay as she realized that neither her nor Terminus would be able to help Link at all because of it. This would be a battle that he'd have to fight entirely on his own, and if he didn't win, it would certainly mean death.

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