Chapter 28: Allies of the Goddess

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Chapter 28: Allies of the Goddess

The brilliant mid-morning sunshine glistened upon the dew resting on the grass of the wide fields, a peaceful summer's breeze blowing through them. Despite the potential destruction that the land faced at the hands of the Dark Interlopers, it was, at least for this moment in time, still safe and beautiful. It was now clear to both sides of the ongoing conflict that whoever controlled the Triforce controlled the surface. If it remained in the care of the goddess and her hero, then the surface would remain full of light and life. But if the golden relic were to fall into the hands of the Interloper leader and her followers, the land would certainly fall into chaos and darkness for all time.

Across the vast landscape strode a lone figure, her back turned on the forests she had emerged from and her sights set upon the hidden village to the northeast. Her long, ground length white dress followed the soft wind gracefully, as did her long raven locks as she traveled across the field at a steady pace, her destination clear. And while the expression on her face was calm and placid, her raging thoughts were anything but.

The goddess of Termina had never been one to let her emotions get the better of her; that had always been a fault of her twin sister, even before she was reincarnated as a mortal. But even Terminus, upon revisiting the land of Hylia, a place that she hadn't been too since her sister was still immortal as she was, couldn't help but let her reminiscent feelings overtake her. This was once the place where she would walk side by side with her dear sister, where they would exchange tales of their respective domains, and where they would spend warm quality time together. There was no denying that in the ancient times of peace, Hylia and Terminus had been quite close, as close as any sisters could be. But as the threat of evil fell upon both of their worlds, the twin goddesses found that a rift had been torn in their tight-knit bond, one that came about because of the heavy responsibility that they both bore to their lands. And when Hylia discovered that there was no easy way to defeat Demise and Terminus found that there was no simple way to destroy Majora, the rift that stood between the two of them grew even wider.

Terminus sighed as she continued walking, closing her eyes as the distant memory of the last meeting she had with Hylia before she gave up her immortality entered her mind. Though it had happened centuries ago, the day was still as clear as ever to the goddess of Termina, just as it always would be.

To say that Terminus was overjoyed to see Hylia when she spotted her twin entering her land was an understatement. Her shoulders had been burdened lately from the recent appearance of the wicked demon Majora and the goddess of Termina knew that her once-noble people were already starting to be swayed by its corrupting ways. Her heart ached for them, and she knew that if she were to ever win their respect and dedication back, she would have to do something about the unraveling situation soon. However, as she saw her beloved sister quickly coming to meet her upon the empty fields of Termina, Terminus smiled, for she knew that Hylia understood her woes well for she had been having plenty of her own recently.

"Hylia!" Terminus greeted her sister warmly as she ran towards her, her sacred gown flowing out behind her. "It has been many days since we have met last! What brings you to my land now, my dear sister?"

The golden-haired goddess's expression was somewhat morose as she joined her sister in a fond embrace. "It has been too long, Terminus," Hylia said softly. "I have much to tell you…"

"Oh, yes!" Terminus nodded insistently, hardly even noticing her sister's melancholy. "How does your land fare in the battle that is raging within it? Has it finally come to an end?"

"It has…" Hylia glanced down as the ground at her feet. "The Triforce is safe with my people and it will remain so for a time… The demon king has been sealed away along with his wicked followers…"

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