Chapter 33: Corrupted Hero

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Chapter 33: Corrupted Hero

Sheik found warm tears streaming down her own cheeks as she eavesdropped in on the couple's bittersweet conversation from the rooftop of their house. She had been sitting there for quite some time, dutifully watching over both the goddess and the hero from the shadows as she often did, but she had not expected to hear as much as she had. While she hadn't heard their earlier conversation inside, she had been able to surmise from how they were acting and speaking that, as much as it pained her to think so, perhaps this was Link's final day before he would be lost to corruption forever, never to return to himself again. The despair between the couple seemed to be too deep and heavy for there to be any other explanation and it did make sense. After all, the hero had been fighting against the wicked force stirring inside of him for several weeks now; it was bound to claim him sooner or later, since it had been made clear so many times that there was no escape for him from it. And yet, it brought the Sheikah leader's heart great grief to think that the hero whom she privately pined for would be gone within only a few short hours. Sheik knew that she owed Link much; he had saved her life on numerous occasions, but even more than that, he had given her joy, however brief, at a time that she thought that she would never know happiness again. He had shown her that she didn't always have to rely on herself, that trust was just as strong as hatred, if not more so, and through that trust, she never had to walk alone.

But even so, it broke the Sheikah leader's heart to know that, despite all he had done for the land and those upon it, all he had done for the goddess, it would all be for naught in the end. Even if the Interlopers were finally defeated, Link would not get to live to see the peaceful world that his hardship and struggles would win. Sheik let even more tears fall as she wished for a way she could do something, anything about the situation. She felt so useless and helpless, much like Zelda did, about the whole situation. She knew that if it would save the hero, or even just buy him a little more time, she would gladly give up anything to see it happen, even her own life. But as far as she knew, she could not, for, as much as many wanted to save him, absolutely nothing could fix what fate had ultimately and cruelly decided for him.

The couple continued to weep softly in each other's arms for quite some time, refusing to let go of each other, lest their love die prematurely. However, they soon forgot about their sorrow and their tight embrace when the ground under them began to tremble softly. Even Sheik, from her spot on the rooftop, could feel the earth quaking, gently at first, until it turned violent. Hardly able to keep her balance anymore, the Sheikah leader quickly slipped away to the front of the house, so the hero and the girl would not discover that she had been spying on them. At the same time, Link and Zelda looked to each other in confusion and concern, having no idea what was causing the sudden earthquake. However, they soon found out when a deafening explosion rang out across the entire land, its source coming from the south, the Sealed Grounds to be exact. As the crash reverberated throughout the hills, the shifting ground suddenly went still and the sounds of nature went silent, the bright morning skies suddenly turning dark with grey, stormy, ominous clouds.

"What was that?" Zelda asked worriedly, wiping her tears as she turned her gaze towards the southern woods.

"I don't-" Link started to say, but he was cut off by the sudden flash coming from the back of his hand. The girl frowned when she saw the golden mark of the Triforce appear clearly upon his hand, remembering well what it could mean at a time like this. "The Triforce?" the hero questioned in clear confusion. "But why is it-"

"The Fused Shadow," Zelda said gravely, already turning to head into the house. "Just look over there," she motioned to the forest, where the golden light put off by the Triforce could be seen rising over the treetops even from miles away. "The same thing happened the last time Veress put the Fused Shadow to use. And I bet the mark of the Triforce showed up on your hand then too, didn't it?"

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