Chapter One - The Beginning

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"Hey, my names Percy!" A brown eyed boy gleefully said to me "What's your name?"

"Oh uh Winifred, but you can just call me Winnie" I responded quite awkwardly

"good to meet you, I'm building a sandcastle wanna help me?" he said pushing his glasses up making the goofiest face I had ever seen, while making the most unattractive snort.

And then unsurprisingly I got interrupted in the middle of my story by this very same idiot

"HEY, I did not snort, I never have, don't lie Winnie, plus you had the biggest crush on me ever, like you cared" Percy snickered

"Ew like I would have a crush on you. And hey you're the one who wanted to share stories on how we first met, so stop interrupting jerk" I said

"Fine whatever continue.... I still don't snort" he muttered

"After that we basically became friends and have been ever since. What about you, Jo? How'd you guys meet?"

"Girl what are you on you know, Percy and I have known each other since birth, just like you and me" she said

It was true, Joanna and I were born in the same hospital two doors away from each other. Our mothers were friends from university and continued being friends since then. I only met Percy in year 3 but Joanna has known him since forever and very ironically we all live in the same street.

"you ruined it for me! I was gonna hear about how you guys met next" Percy pouted

Joanna pushed him aside and laughed "you're an idiot" we both said in unison

Hours passed and we kept talking about childhood memories until we decided to watch a movie. One of the best movies, The Princess Bride, Joanna fell asleep halfway through so it was just Percy and I

"Well she's asleep as always" he said gesturing to Joanna

"Yeah well you know how she is, she has the attention span of 30 minutes and then she's gone" I said as my eyes started drooping

I started to fall asleep and all I remember is Percy's big gooey eyes staring at me and mumbling something that I couldn't quite catch because I was already too far gone to hear.

I woke up to an empty room so naturally I figured Jo and Perc went down stairs already. I popped into the shower, after I was done I chucked on a Sherlock shirt, jeans and tied my wavy ginger hair up in a pony and headed down stairs

When I got downstairs I saw Percy standing at the counter cooking while Joanna sat on the couch watching some reality show, she always managed to look gorgeous even though she was just sitting there, sometimes I think she'd be great as a model. I got snapped out of my thoughts when,

"hey do you love me yet Maggie?" Percy said while pushing a lolly eye up against his face

"You jerk I'm still not okay from that! Ass" I said

"Aww you love me" he said while trying to hug me. To which I ran and sat on the couch dramatically

"Well I'm making pancakes but I know you hate pancakes so I'll make some bacon and eggs for you, will you forgive me then?"

"Whatever" I mumbled still not over his dumb joke.

The day went on and we hung out as usual, until it got late and Percy's mum told us to go home.

"Bye Jane, it was nice seeing you" for once I thought

Percy's parents are barely ever home and when they are they don't really pay much attention towards him, it breaks him and all I want to do is give him a giant hug and squeeze all the bad away.

Joanna and I said bye and now I was opening my door.

"Dad! I'm home" I yelled out

"I'm in the kitchen sweetie, go get your brother for me?" Dad asked while kissing me on the cheek

"Sure thing" I answered

I walked upstairs to Peter's room. He was sitting on his bed gaming as usual, he may act like a douche most of the time but on a general basis we get along pretty well for siblings. Peter's a year younger than me so we grew up pretty close, I mean all we have is us and dad. Mum died when I was 2 years old, it was in a car crash the basic not looking at the road and boom. Although I didn't know her for long I can still remember her and I miss her every day. I think it's much worst for peter and dad though, peter didn't even get to know her much and dad's known her since university.

"Tonight we're having spaghetti" dad said as he put it on the table.

We ate dinner wiith the usual conversation and I offered to clean up after

"Okay I'm going into my room now, I'll probably fall asleep too so night dad, love you"

"Alright night sweetie, love you too"

Peter and I were versing each other in smash bros for a while, in which me obviously coming first.

Just then my phone buzzed. It was from my boyfriend Derek.

Hey, babe missed you today, see you at school tomz xx ;)

I sent him a text back saying basically the same thing. Derek and I had been going out for nearly a year now, dad approved of him, at first perc was very against him but eventually lightened up

I ended up going to bed at 12:30am even though I should be going to sleep earlier, but of course that won't happen.

I hoped into my Mr men pyjamas and fell asleep thinking about my two best friends, thinking about them always helps me sleep.


So hey everyone, if you have decided to read this than thank you so much! I really appreciate it, and love you!!!!! 

This is just the first chapter of TAOAG which is basically just introducing the characters and their lives. i hope you liked it and continue to like my story, because i really enjoy creating it. I'm already attached to my characters and it's only the first chapter. Pic of Winnie up the top.

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