Chapter Three - Jo has a suprise

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"You have to come over now! Both of you!" Jo screamed through the phone
"Can't you just tell us---" I tried to say
"No! It has to be in person. Oh and bring snacks" she said as she hung up

Perc and I just looked at eachother wondering what possessed her to be so frantic all of a sudden but never the less we put on our jackets and left to go over to Jo's place. Not before making a stop at the shops first.

"Heads up!" Perc said
"Hey you could have killed me" I said while catching the drink he just threw at me
"Well I didn't so don't you worry your pretty little face" he hummed
"Yeah, yeah whatever you loser" i said back
"Loser? Me? How dare you?!" He said dramatically
"Oh no come on we're in public do you have to be a drama queen now?" I said
"Oh I'll show you a drama queen" he snickered.
Oh no, what have I done
Just then he picked me up over his shoulders and brought me to the shop counter
"Excuse me, my friend is implying I'm a loser do you think that's true?"
The hazelnut haired girl giggled and started touching his arm
"Oh of course not I think you're the complete opposite" she winked

She made me want to vomit, what was with her I mean I know you're a hormonal teen but fuck sake keep it in your pants, you just met the guy I've known him since forever you have nothing on me.... wait what the hell am I on about he's your best friend! Am I? Am I getting jealous? No of course not snap out of it! Just then perc went on both knees
"Why do you not appreciate me?! Am I that much of a loser? Oh I'm so lonely with no one to keep me good company" he cried out
"Shut up perc! You know I don't like public displays" I shrieked
"Say you love me and I'm not a loser and I'll stop" he insisted
"No you jerk" i said and then i heard the wailing of what sounded like a baby except this baby was a tall brunette named Percy
"Fine fine I appreciate you and you're not a loser! Happy?" I yelled over his wailing
"Come on Winnie we got to get to Jo's, what's taking  you so long" he hummed  changing his mood completely

We walked over to Jo's place and by walk I mean Perc gave me a piggyback there. The second we open the small gate Jo came sprinting forward, grabbed both our hands and dragged us inside. We were currently sitting in the lounge with blankets and snacks everywhere

"So what's the big news Jo?" Perc asked
"Alright so you know that guy in our year, Lucas?"
"Uh yeah, what about him?" I inquired
"He's my boyfriend! I know exciting right? I'll go get more soft drink to celebrate" Jo said before running off
"What the fuck" Perc and I said alarmed in unison
"That guys a wanker--" Perc started to say
"A shithead yeah I know but Jo knows that too so what the hell would possess her to date him?" I said

Jo came back in and we pretended to be happy for her cause she just seemed so overjoyed by it all that we didn't want to ruin it for her. Right now we we're sitting on the couches watching Star Wars when I heard my phone ring. I went over to pick it up and saw i had 7 unread messages all from Derek.

"Why didn't you tell me Derek was messaging me, perc?" I asked
"I dunno i probably forgot just put it down and watch the movie" he said sounding rather aggravated.

I went in a call with Derek for awhile until i said bye and headed back into lounge when i accidentally overheard a conversation between Jo and Perc

"Why don't you just tell her for fuck sake" I heard Jo say
"It would just fuck everything up" Perc replied
"Whatever your a big baby" Jo teased
"He looks pretty bloody giant for a baby"  I said while walking in. They both looked suprised when i came in, especially Perc but it quickly faded away
"You guys are bullies!" He cried
"Whatever floats your boat" I laughed

I couldn't think straight gor the rest of the night, just trying to figure out what the hell Perc and Jo were talking about. Who was her? What couldn't Percy tell her?
We all eventually fell asleep watching movies and eating junk food.
I woke up to find my head wasn't lying on a pillow but a rock hard, yet comfy chest. I looked up and found a sleeping Percy, he looked so adorable when he was sleeping not to mention his cute little rambles in his sleep. I hot up to get breakfast and then after went upstairs to have a shower.
The door wasn't locked so I walked in and shut the door without realizing someone else was in here..

"Ahhhh" Perc screeched in such a feminine scream that I swear it could have been Jo. This caused him to drop his towel to both our suprises
"I uh um do you wanna you know cover up" I said trying my hardest not to look at his body
"Oh yeah um cool yep I'm just gonna go downstairs" Perc said while picking up his towel

The second he left I burst out laughing at the scene i had just witnessed and caused.
Hey again,
so here's the next chapter.
I had my first day back at school and lets just say I remembered why I don't like school.
Who were Jo and Percy talking about?
Why didn't Percy tell Winnie about the messages?
Oh and i just want to say a speacial thanks to grlwith_the_act because without your support I don't think I would have continued, thank you! And I appreciate every single one of you.
Pic of Jo up the top
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Have a good one.

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