Chapter Two - Back at hell

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"Wake up Winnie!" Shouted a similar voice
"Wake up we got school!" He shouted once again
"Wake! U--" he began to say before I interrupted
"If you say that one more time I'm going to rip your balls off and feed them to Jo"
"As always someone's not a morning person" Percy snickered
"Bite me" i shot back

It was the first day back at school and of course this annoying bitch had to storm in and get me up.

"Ugh I hate you, now get out so I can get dressed" I hissed
"You love me, see you downstairs" he hummed

After that loveable annoyance was out of my room I had a shower then headed to my closet. I put on a black tank top with a short skirt complete with my doc martins. After tying my hair back I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

"I'm telling you if we splash water on her every morning she'll definitely get up on time" Percy suggested
"Sure mate but it'll be your funeral" Dad said while laughing
"Damn fucking right it'll be" I added in

I looked at Percy now that I was awake and it was in moments like this that I realised how unbelievably handsome he actually was. Reminding myself that I have a boyfriend I pushed aside my thoughts.

"Well come on loser we have to get to school it's our last year after all" Percy said as he pulled my arm
"Have a good day at school love" Dad said
"Oh yippee back at hell" I replied

Percy, Peter and I all piled into my car as we drove to school. We arrived at school and outide the main building I could see Jo waiting for us

"Little miss stubborn over here took forever to get ready so that's why we're late" Perc explained
"Of course she did" Jo snickered

I turned to my bro to see him staring at Jo with so much joy in his eyes

"Be good, alright pan ?" I told peter
"You're never gonna stop calling me that are you?" He sarcastically asked
"Never" I said as I hugged him
"I'm 17 Winster, only a little under a year younger than you. I'll be fine" he said as he started to walk off
"Love you!" I yelled out to which he just murmured a 'love you' back.

The bell rang and we went off to class. First up i had history one of my favourite subjects. I walked into Mrs Dove's classroom and set my books up next to Jo's. The classes eventually went by at a very agonizingly slow time and now it was lunch. The bell went in the middle of Mr Kent's long speeches and I was out of there
I went to my locker to put my books away and grab my lunch, as I was doing this an arm slung around my shoulders and i was greeted with my jet black haired boyfriend, Derek.

"Hey babez, missed ya while i was gone" he said while pecking me on the lips
"Missed you too" i said returning the kiss

We headed over to the spot we all usually hung out in. As we got to the spot i saw Jo and Percy laughing about something while Peter was talking to his friend, Cassie.

"Hey guys, i hate being back at this hellhole so much. Please someone kill me now" I proclaimed
"Its alright Winnie, think on the bright side if you die here then you'll get a memorial stone on school grounds" Jo chirped
"Oh gee that's just so great" I growled back
Suddenly Derek pulled me in for a full on make out session which only lasted a couple seconds because of a loud obvious cough

"You know some of us are trying to eat, you wankers" Percy said in an annoyed voice
"Soz mate, just can't help it when I see her face ya know?" He proudly said
"Oi will yous shut it, geez its just Winster" my knight in shining armor Peter pan said.
"Anyway you guys wanna go to the movies later?" Percy asked
"Cas and I gotta practice our oral presentation for tomorrow, sorry mate" Peter replied along with a nod from Cassie
"No worries, what about everyone else?" Percy asked again
"Nah bro me and winnie have to get some alone time if you know what I mean---"
"But i can so you won't be alone perc" Jo interrupted

The day went on, i had to sit through boring ass teachers but atleast i enjoyed the subjects. But the day was finally over and i met up with Perc and Peter then drove home. When we arrived Peter went upstairs while Perc stuck around for abit until at about four he went home. I'm currently in my room reading one of my favourite books.

"He's here winster" Peter informed me in a rather unamused tone, he's never really liked Derek
"Sup babez" he said as he sat on my bed with me
"Hey Der" I replied

We hung out for a couple hours just hanging out, playing games and other things until he decided to leave which was much to Peter's happiness.

"What's so wrong about him pan?" I asked
"I just don't think he's right for you, I mean he's a bit of an ass" he said
"But i have fun around him and he's good if you want a laugh" i said back
"Winster do you really want a boyfriend who you describe like that? 'Cause to me I just think you can do a lot better, but at the end of the day if he makes your jerk ass happy then that's all I ask" he said

We hugged and then proceeded to play video games as usual until I decided to go over to Percy's. I headed over to Percy's and we stayed up just talking and watching youtube until before you know it I was falling fast asleep.
Hey everyone!
Sorry it's been awhile but I'm back and should update a little bit more often but then again school is coming up next week so rip to me
I know this is late but i hope you all had a good holidays and a good new year
Thank you for reading, I really appreciate it
Pic of Percy up the top
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Have a good one.

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