Chapter Five - Roller coaster of emotions

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"He's just been acting weird and just out of the ordinary, do you think it means something?" I said to Perc

"Well I mean, what do you mean by weird?" he replied 

"Like he's been really secretive and not really talking to me these past couple of weeks" I said as I felt the tears starting to well up in my eyes

The things that were running through my mind where endless, why would my boyfriend not talk to me? why would he be so secretive? Does he not care about me? Is he....cheating?

"Hey hey it's alright I'm sure it's nothing and he's just been busy, no need to cry" he said as he wrapped me up in a hug "whatever it is i'll always be here for you" he said as he stroked my hair.

"You're right it's probably nothing, thanks Perc I don't know what I'd do without you" I said as I sunk into the hug

"Ok well let's go annoy pete" he smiled

"Sounds like a plan" I beamed 

We were now currently in the backyard hanging out and having a great time, Perc was right, this was a great idea.

"Hey guys you know what really makes my day? the earth's full rotation." Pete joked 

"That's terrible oh my god" I cringed 

"Booooo" perc said while throwing his cup near Pete to which he dodged 

"Let's do arm-wrestling!" I suggested

"I'll beat you within a second Winnie" Perc answered 

"Perc she beats you every time" Pete smirked

"Yeah yeah I'll beat her this time" Perc said rather confidently 

"Whatever man don't come crying to me" he said as he walked off to get some water

Long story short: I won

"That was not fair, you cheated!" Perc proclaimed 

"Stop being such a baby, we both know I didn't" I said 

"Hey look it's Petey!" he exclaimed while running and wrapping his arms around Pete in a bone crushing hug

"So i'm guessing you won. Again" he asked 


"No she didn't, she's a big fat meany who doesn't play fair" he yelled 

"Yeah yeah i'm sure mate, lets go get you some food" Pete said while trying to contain his laughter 

The rest of the day basically consisted of Pete, Perc and I being idiots together and just generally being fuckwits. We mostly hung out at my house for the day, it's funny how I can be so upset and then the next minute so happy because of these damn idiots that for some odd reason I love. Dad came home from work early because of some weird work thing he didn't really explain but he hung out with us for a bit but then needed to lie down. 

We were currently in the middle of eating dinner

"So when she was little she use to but her underwear on her head and then-----

"Dad I swear if you finish that story I will murder you!" 

"No, no Flynn tell me the rest I must know" Perc said while mischievously smiling 

"Well it is a fathers job to embarrass his daughter" he pondered 

"Dad I swear to god you will regret it" I threatened 

And that's when I saw Perc's adorable smile fade away as his phone started flashing 

"Oh sorry if you'll excuse me, it's my mum" Perc frowned 

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