Sin Cara and Kalista

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Requested by starlight-023

Kalista's P.O.V.

"Oh Kalista. Time to realize that it's over", I hear her voice laughing. Then I see his face. He begs: "Wait, let me explain everything." I don't say a word. I can't. The pain in my heart is too big. Crying I run out of his hotel room. Everything looks grey and blurred. When I was with Sin Cara the world was colorful and bright, but now it looks like the world has lost all its colors. I run and run and run. I don't know where I'm running but I just want to be as far away from them as possible. We used to be so happy. I never thought that we had any issues. I thought he'd love me. But guess I was wrong. Is this how we end our relationship now? Is this really how we say goodbye? Do you know how hard it is to find out that your boyfriend cheated on you? If not then I can tell you it hurts like hell. My whole body hurts. I feel useless. Why am I still here? My life doesn't make a sense anymore. Roughly I bump into someone. "Sorry, I didn't see you", he apologizes. Politely he helps me stand up. We look in each others eyes. "Kalista, is that you?", he asks. "Thanks, Cesaro", I smile weakly at the WWE superstar. "Hey, are you okay?" I shrug off: "Yeah, I'm fine. I have to get to my hotel room." "But that's the wrong way." "Oh, I was just walking around a bit." "You seemed puzzled. Is something wrong with Sin Cara?" Normally I would think that it's cute how much he cares about me, but this is definitely not the right moment to annoy me with his care. "Can you finally leave me alone?! Don't you see that I'm not in the mood to have a talk?!", I yell at him and walk away angrily.

In my hotel room I slam the door and fall into my bed. Why did he do this to me? Yes, I started to blame it on me. Am I not enough adorable, lovable, beautiful? Was he mad at me for something? Have I done something wrong? I should have threaten him better somehow. I always did the best that I can to make him satisfied. During our whole relationship I only had eyes for him. And now everything seems worthless. My heart feels like a black hole. No, I'll never fall in love again. Never. I can't live without him. Sin Cara is the person who took my breath completely away. In this bad times I have to think about all our good moments. The first time I saw him. His eyes fantasized me. I was in a spell. He smiled at me and introduces himself as Sin Cara. He was the first to welcome me at WWE.

My thoughts get interrupted by a knock on my door. I didn't move. Sluggish is one of the words which describe me at the moment. The person who waits outside my door doesn't stop knocking. "Get away!", I yell. I don't want any visitors. A quiet voice says: "Please, Kalista, let me in." He doesn't have to say his name, because I know exactly who he is. The guy who broke my heart. "Leave me alone! I don't want to see you!", I yell even louder. Suddenly he easily comes into my room. "How did you do that?", I ask wondered. "General card", he smiles weakly. He knows exactly that I love it when he smiles like that. He's torturing me even more with his presence. Anger rises in me. I demand derogative: "What do you want?" "Let me explain the whole thing." "Well, there's no need for explanation. You cheated on me with Sexy Star. What do you want to explain?" "You got that totally wrong" "Come on, Sin Cara, this is so ridiculous. Stand by your mistakes." I pass him and run out of my room up to the hotel roof. Sin Cara follows me. "Kalista, wait. I didn't cheat on you", he yells. "Are you serious?! Do you really dare to lie to me right now in this situation?! I'm so sick of you!" I finally reach the top of the hotel and walk to the edge of the roof. My toe tips already don't touch the ground anymore. One little step and all the pain is away. What a great imagination. I'll never feel anything again if I take this little step. I can leave everything behind. And I can feel free. Slowly I let myself fall, but two strong hands grab my hips. Sin Cara. He puts me over his shoulder and takes me back to my hotel room without saying a word. While I wake up from my shock he locks the door. Maybe he's afraid that I'll go back to the roof again.

After minutes of pure silence he says with a breakaway voice: "Why did you do this?" Guilty I look at his face. He cried. He has really cried for me. That's a signal. He still cares about me. I was so stupid. Why did I try to jump off that roof. Before I realized what I did, I laid in his arms. "Please, promise me that you'll never do this again. I was so cold with fear as I saw you up there on the roof. I love you." "Why did you kiss her?" I'm not angry at him anymore. We calmed down a lot after my dump behavior. "She kissed me, Kalista. I have never wanted to kiss her. You know, we met multiple times. Yeah, I noticed that she fancies me, but I didn't mind. She knew that I was with you. I would have never thought that she's that rude." "So, you didn't have an affair?" "Hell, no. We never had. As she kissed me I pushed her away immediately. But somehow she managed that you enter my hotel room in the moment she presses her lips against mine. Believe me, I don't love her and I never will. And I already told her that I never want to see her again. You are the only girl for me. I feel responsible for this disaster." "No, you're not. She is. She is guilty for all this disaster." Sin Cara keeps quiet. Perhaps he is thinking about everything that happened. "Are we back together again? I can't exist without you. That's clear to me now that I've almost lost you", he reveals after a short break. "I'd love to. Oh, and I have to apologize to Cesaro. I was very rude to him.""I'm sure he'll forgive you", Sin Cara smiles.

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