Karl Anderson and Leah Styles

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Requested by LeahReigns22

Leah's P.O.V.

"Ready to tell him about us finally?", Karl asks me. "I'm not sure. I'm just scared what he might say", I proclaim. "Me too. But we need to tell him today." "I know." Karl tries to take some weight off of me by saying: "Don't worry, he'll be fine." Probably he also said that to calm him down as well. We're both very nervous. AJ is my brother and Karl's best friend. I'm not sure how my brother will react when Karl and I tell him that we're dating. Today is the only chance, because AJ is visiting us at Raw. That doesn't happen very often.

"Oh, he's calling", I announce. Karl requests me: "Pick up!" "Hey AJ", I greet him on the phone. "Leah, where are you? I'm standing in front of the Raw arena, but I can't find you." "Oh, I'm already inside. You can just enter. We're waiting for you in the backstage room." "We? Who's with you?", he asks confused. "Karl is here too. You visit me barely here and he didn't want to miss you." "Alright, I'm on my way to you." Then he hangs up.

"He'll be here soon", I tell my boyfriend. "Leah, everything will be okay in the end. I promise." "What if he hates you afterwards? Then you've lost your best friends just because of me." "He won't hate me. We're best friends for years now. AJ knows that I treat you right." "I hope so, because I really don't want to lose you at all." "You won't lose me no matter what he will say." I hug him tightly and encourage us: "We'll do this now and it will work out good."

AJ finally reaches us. Immediately I run to him and give him a lovely hug. I've missed my brother so much. It's great that he's right here now. "AJ, please never leave me again", I beg. My brother just laughs and answers: "I'm afraid, but I have to some day." "Let's just enjoy the few days we have with him", Karl suggests. "Guess, there's no other way", AJ replies. "Oh, AJ, Karl and I have to tell you something", I utter bashfully. "Sure, what's up?", he questions. "I'm dating Leah", Karl reveals. Curios we watch my brother to see his reaction. AT first he's silent, but then he shouts at Karl: "Are you insane? She's my sister! How could you go out with her? You're not my best friend anymore and I want you to leave. Now." "I hope you'll think about it again when you're calmed down", Karl says sadly as he leaves the room.

"What was that for?", I scream at my brother. "I want to protect you. He's not right for you." "How will you know that?" "Leah, you're 21! He's about ten years older." "So what? He's great and I love him. That's none of your business actually." "I'm your brother so of course it's also my business." "You can't choose your siblings." "Leah, don't start to be rude." "You call me rude? I'm a grown up and I can choose my partner on my own. Karl is my everything. Without him I'd be lost. He's always there for me when I need him. He's not only my boyfriend. He's also my soul mate, my best friend, my home and my family. And if you don't accept him then I guess I don't have a brother anymore."

"Okay, AJ, I think that's enough now", Karl enters the room again. "Alright, she really loves you", AJ smiles. "Wait, what's going on here?", I inquire confused. They change a quick look and smile. Karl demands: "AJ, will you explain here this?" AJ starts to explain: "Karl has already told me about the two of you a week ago. I was happy for my sister that she found a good guy like him. Then I told him that I'm visiting you next week so suddenly Karl and I had the idea to prank you a bit. We just wanted to test your reaction if you really love him so much that you'd even leave your brother for him. Congrats, Leah, you've passed the test. And now get happy with him." Although I'm a bit mad at them for fooling my that way I give them both a hug. But I exhort them: "Don't do that ever again." "We promise."

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