Enzo Amore and Kelsey (K-Jax)

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Requested by _X-CertifiedG-X_

Kelsey's P.O.V.

Yesterday was a hard day for me. Enzo broke up with me one day before I had my first ever title match for the Smackdown Women's Championship. I've worked so hard for this opportunity and I deserve this title. Why? Because I wasn't afraid to fight, to face stronger women, to get hurt or injured. I was always ready to have a match against anyone. That's the reason why I moved up to the main roster, that's the reason why I won my debut and that's the reason why I finally got the title shot. You can call me whatever you want, but I don't care. The only thing that matters now for me is winning the most important match in my career since yet. Somehow, I don't want to go out there. I want my match to be perfect and I just don't feel good enough to have an important match like that now.

Even though I try to concentrate on my match, my brain always focuses on Enzo. My body feels like a mess without him. I haven't slept, drunk or eaten much. And I haven't smiled or laughed the whole time and I wasn't able to have fun since then. My friends told me that I look awful since this whole break up thing. They want me to talk about it. Can't they understand that I don't want to talk about this? I was a bit rough to them and I should really go and apologize. Probably they worried alot about me at first, but I think now they're mad at me for being rude. And they're even right. I was rude to them. Well, I hope they'll forgive me. I haven't time now to find them. My match is in about five minutes. I have to clarify this later.

But back to Enzo. There are so many questions I want to ask him. Things like: Why did you leave me? Have I done something wrong? Is there another girl? Do you still love me? Can you please come back? And so many more. Thoughts like that revolve in my brain 24/7. Last night I had a weird dream about that. Enzo left me for one of my friends. He told me that he has never loved me and that he will never come back again. This was the first time I've ever cried in my sleep. As I woke up this morning I needed some time to realize that this was just a dream. Enzo controls my brain, my thoughts, my acting, my habits, my mood, everything. And now I'm supposed to go out into the ring and have a clear mind for my title match. I can't. It's impossible for me to do this now. But there's no going back. Life has to go on. I'm worried, nervous and excited at the same time.

My music hits and I make my way down the ramp of the Smackdown arena. I watch my fans clapping, cheering and chanting for me. It's perennially an incredible experience. I enjoyed it till the thoughts crossed my mind again. What if I lose? What if Enzo watches? No, K-Jax, come on. Forget Enzo for the few minutes you're out there. I try to focus everything on the match and the title.

My opponent Alexa Bliss makes her way to the ring. After a bit trash talk between me and her, the referee starts the match. I attack her immediately. Honestly, I wanted that match to be over as fast as possible. So I started several moves. At first I hit her with punches and kicks. Then I go over to the harder moves like a Bodyslam and a Back Body Drop, but Alexa comes back again. Well, I haven't expected that it would be easy to become champion. She clotheslines me pretty hard and I fall on the ground. She shows a Keylock, but I can escape.

Suddenly the fans chant: "Air K-Jax!" I've learned this move from Enzo. He taught me how to do the Air Enzo. It's a diving splash. I improved a bit and named it Air K-Jax. Well, I show this move from the ropes so I don't fly over the ropes. It's a bit different as you can see. But I was always proud to use it as my finisher. Alexa didn't care about the chants. She continues with an Insault to Injury and a Legsweep follows. As we're close to the ropes she shows her multiple stomps and then a pin. I kick out at two. Alexa is a hard opponent. I'm already very exhausted. I have to end this match very soon. So I collect energy for my finisher. But at first I have to dissect Alexa a bit. After clotheslines and a Tornado DDT with a following Hurricanranna she laid on the ground exhausted. That's my sign. I climb on the top rope and do the Air K-Jax. Then I pin the current champion. The referee counts to three. I'm champion! I achieved my goal, my target, my dream. You're looking at the new Smackdown Women's Champion.

While I'm celebrating in the ring with my championship a music I know very well hits. And there's no other man coming out than my ex-boyfriend Enzo Amore. Of course all the fans go crazy. Wait, why is he here? Isn't he supposed to be on Raw? Well, it's Tuesday and Raw is on Monday, but anyways. Why isn't he at home? And the most important question: Why did he come out here? Does he want to destroy my happiness? As always he as a microphone in his hand and doing his well-known introduction. I give him an annoyed gaze while he's doing this. I grab a mic too. Certainly I wanted to know what he has to say, but I don't want to show it. So I interrupt him rudely: "Come on, what do you want?" He pretends to be a bit surprised: "Oh Kelsey. Why so unfriendly?" I look into his eyes and the whole world outside disappears. His eyes and his voice make me forget everything. Like there's just him and me. But then I remember what he did to me. Enzo broke my heart and he endangered my victory. Quickly I want to get out of the ring so I try to pass him. Obviously he had to stop me. "Where are you going, lil' G?", he questions. This nickname makes me melt all the time. "Backstage", I stutter. This man totally controls me. I'm all his and he knows that. He suggests: "We can clarify this here too." The crowd does Yes chants. "Fine", I give in. "K-Jax, I'm sorry for this whole thing. Cass cleared my mind. You belong to me. Can we be together again?" And again the whole WWE universe chants: "Yes! Yes! Yes!" At first I'm a bit sceptically. Before I know what happens my mouth forms a smile and I nod my head hesitantly. All my doubts faded away. Then I rush towards him and give him a tight hug. "Please don't leave me again", I proclaim.

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