Chapter 5

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Rin's POV
"I'm home!" I heard Naruto call.

I put down the book I was reading and went to greet him.

He was in the kitchen, humming to himself as he poured himself a cup of juice. He looked up when he noticed me, "oh. Hey, kaa-san," he said like he didn't disappear for four hours after leaving the house angrily, and he's never angry.

"Hey... Naruto. Where were you?"

He shrugged, "oh y'know, here and there."

I raised a brow, then asked after a minute, "why were you angry earlier?"

He almost choked on his juice, he put down the cup and coughed while hitting his chest, "huh? Me? Angry?" He laughed, "I was never angry."

"Yeah, I know. That's why I'm asking you what was wrong."

He looked down with a frown, "I don't know. I think I was... scared? Angry because I felt fear? I really don't know." He looked up and grinned, "sorry for leaving like that." He took his cup and drank the rest of the juice in one gulp.

I frowned. So Sasuke was right. Naruto left the kitchen and walked away, probably to his room, there's no way Naruto told him. I heard a door closing. Was he guessing? I shook my head after several minutes of thinking.

I was about to head back to reading when the front door was suddenly opened and somebody ran in. "Sorry for the intrusion," Sasuke said as he shot past me. "Oi, Naruto!" There was a banging, "I'm coming in."

I went to see what was happening.

"Wait!" I heard Naruto call, he opened the door after a minute. He stepped out and closed the door behind him, "oh, hello Sasuke, what brings you here?" I raised a brow at Naruto, Is he hiding something? I quickly shook that thought away and looked at Sasuke, waiting for his answer.

Sasuke glanced back at me, I could tell he was exhausted from running by the rise and fall of his chest, but he was doing a good job in hiding any signs of exhaustion on his face.

"There's... something I wanna show you," he said after hesitation.

Naruto raised a brow at him then nodded, "kaa-san, I'm going with him." I nodded, not that he'd listen if I said no.

   Sasuke and Naruto started walking towards the door. I frowned at Sasuke's unreadable expression as he walked past me in a hurry. Was it shock? Anger? Sadness? Fear?

Sasuke looked up at me then quickly looked away when he saw me staring, trying to avoid my gaze.

I frowned, I have a bad feeling about this.


I saw a figure pass by the kitchen door, I turned to see who it was. I raised a brow when I found Naruto walking slowly with his shoulders slumped, I can't remember him ever coming home without announcing it.

"Welcome home, Naruto. Dinner's almost ready so come here right after you change." I said so that he doesn't get himself busy with something. Sasuke had wanted to show him something, so I assumed that he showed him some new jutsu and then they trained after that, meaning Naruto would want to change his clothes.

Naruto stopped, his head slowly turned to me. His eyes were wide and they held so many emotions in them: emotions I almost never saw in Naruto. He stared at me for a minute or two. "Hn," he finally replied. He turned his head and started walking to his room again, faster this time. I frowned, what's wrong? What did Sasuke show him?

Almost ten minutes later, Naruto still didn't come. "Naruto, dinner's ready!" I called.

There was no answer.

"Naruto! Come on!"

Again, there was no answer.

I frowned, what's he doing? I went to his room and knocked the door, "I'm coming in," I said when I didn't hear an answer.

I opened the door to find the room empty. My frown deepened. The shelves that were once stacked with scrolls and books were now bare. The floor that was once littered by clothes and trash had only trash now. The weapons and frames that once covered the walls were now gone.

My hands dropped to my sides as my eyes slowly widened, "... Naru.. to?"

Naruto's POV
"So?" I asked Sasuke, "what did you want to tell me?"

Sasuke still didn't say anything.

I sighed, "where are you going?" He didn't answer. "You don't know, do you?" He hesitated then shook his head. "Oh man, then all that walking was for nothing?" I stopped, "you should've said that you wanted to go somewhere nobody would hear us in," I sighed and shook my head, "let's go to the hokage monument."

He gave a nod and we both shunshined there.

"So what is it?" I asked impatiently, that being the tenth time I ask him since we left the house.

"Y-you are," he looked up at me with a frown.

"I am..?"


"What? What am I?"

"You are an-" he shook his head.

"Spit it out already." I said with a frown, I've never seen Sasuke like this before.

He took a deep breath, "you're adopted." He finally said.

I started laughing. I laughed for several minutes then I noticed he wasn't laughing along with me. I searched his face for any signs of playfulness but found none. My eyes widened. "N-no. No! It cant be! You're lying!" I held him by the shirt and started shaking him, "you're lying!" I shouted, "you're lying!" I searched his face again, "p-please. Please tell me you're lying."

   He shook his head, "I- I don't know. I overheard two shinobi talking. I don't know!"

   "You're lying!"

   "Naruto! Why would I lie?!"

   I let go of his shirt and dropped to the ground. I held my knees close to my chest and sobbed into them. I didn't know why I was crying. I didn't know what happened to me. I felt angry, sad, scared, betrayed: emotions I almost never felt before. I couldn't believe that my own parents were lying to me my whole life- they weren't even my parents in the first place. I cried as I realized that it was true. That's why many people hesitated before calling me hokage's son. That's why I never activated my sharingan. That's why I couldn't use fire release. I'm not even an Uchiha! That's what tou-san wanted to tell me that day.

   "I'm sorry."

   I looked up at Sasuke.

   "I shouldn't have told you."

   I frowned.

   "I should've asked hokage-sama first."

   I shook my head and stood up, I wiped away my tears. "No," I said, "thanks."

   His eyes widened a bit.

   "I can't believe I never realized this before," I laughed half-heartedly.

   He frowned.

   I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists. "I..." I looked down.


   I looked up at him and shook my head. I stood there for several seconds then shunshined back home, leaving him behind.

   For some reason, I felt like I can never be the same.

   My smile was gone.

   And it was never coming back again.

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