Chapter 7

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   Naruto's POV
I took one last look at the village then raised my fingers in a hand sign to shunshin away.


   I froze. And somehow, the pain in my chest seemed to multiply ten times.

   "I didn't expect to find you so easily."

   I gritted my teeth. This wasn't supposed to happen. I waited a week for ANBU to quit looking for me, only for him to find me right when I was going to leave.

   "Knowing you, you'd be frustrated that your plan didn't work. Shikaku figured it out, if you're wondering."

I didn't say anything and tried to keep a straight face.

"Why were you leaving?" He asked after a few minutes.

   My face scrunched up as I tried not to break down crying, but the pain kept doubling until I couldn't keep it in anymore. I dropped to the ground and held my knees to my chest, sobbing into them.


   "I'm never activating my sharingan, am I? I'm not even an Uchiha." Obito didn't say a word. "You're not even my father!" Again, he didn't reply. "You-"

   "Your father was a great man," he interrupted. "Both your parents were."

   The words hit me like knives in the heart. "S-so it's true?!"

   "My parents died when I was four, so I don't remember them. Minato-sensei -your father- was my father figure. He helped me become who I am. And Kushina-san... we didn't always get along, but she was like the mother I never had. When they died..." I looked up at him, his eyes were sad, but they were angry at the same time, he gritted his teeth, "I felt like it was my fault. It is my fault. I killed them. I took them away from you. I knew I would never forgive myself if I let you live without parents. If you never knew a parent's love. I was going to tell you, but I could never bring myself to do it. And you look so much like Minato-sensei, and your personality is just like Kushina-san. When I look at you, I see them in you. It makes me feel so happy, I didn't want you to hate me. I'm sorry, I'm so selfish. I hope you forgive me."

I wanted to tell him that I forgive him. That it's okay. That I still love him. But it hurt so much. I wiped away my tears but they wouldn't stop, so I buried my face into my knees and sobbed quietly.

Obito sat down beside me and put an arm around my shoulders, "I'm sorry," he said.

I didn't say anything.

"Are you coming back home?"

   Am I?

"I'll take that as a yes." I couldn't see his face, but I could tell he was smiling. "Let's go home. Rin's gonna be so happy to see you."

I stood up and wiped away my tears. He stood up with me and smiled, I didn't smile back.

Obito's POV
I shunshined us back home and opened the door. Rin didn't come to see if I found Naruto like she'd been doing for the past week, though I don't blame her.

I looked at Naruto, who was slightly frowning, wondering what he was thinking about.

I went to the sitting room to find Rin with Kurenai and her genin team. I smiled and looked back at Naruto.

   Kurenai had her hand on Rin's shoulder, probably trying to comfort her.

   I cleared my throat.

   As soon as Rin saw Naruto, tears formed in her eyes. She ran to him and pulled him into a hug, "I'm so glad you're okay," she cried.

   I was relieved that she was too happy to notice that he's different, but Kurenai did. "Found out?" She mouthed. I nodded. She smiled sadly at Rin and excused herself and her team.

   Rin pulled away from the hug and frowned at Naruto's emotionless face, "what's wrong, Naruto?" She asked.

   "Hn." Was all she got.

   She shook her head and hugged him again.

   I felt sorry for Rin.

   "Rin," I said several minutes later, "there's something you need to know." I knew I'd have to tell her in the end.

   She looked up at me with a frown and nodded.

   "I'll be in my room." Naruto stated. Then he left before I could stop him.

   Rin's POV
As soon as Naruto was gone, I asked, "what happened to him?"

   Obito looked away, "he knows."

   My frown deepened, "he knows?"

   "He found out somehow. Maybe somebody told him. Maybe he found out by himself. I don't know."

   My eyes were wide.

   "I don't know what to do. I'm sorry. This is my fault." I didn't reply. "He might leave the village anytime now. Nothing is keeping him. I was always afraid that he might leave because of his thirst for knowledge. Having a family was probably the only reason he didn't leave."

   I swallowed, maybe Naruto did come back. But that doesn't mean he's staying. "He still has Sasuke." I tried to convince myself.

   Obito sighed, then said, "I have an idea, though."

   I looked up at him with a questioning look.

   "Maybe if you tell him about his brother, then he might stay to see him. And he just might love him enough to stay in the village. And maybe his anger would have cleared by then." Obito smiled.

   I hugged him, "you're a genius, Obito."

   Somebody cleared their throat. We turned to see Kakashi, Obito glared at him.

   "I heard he's back," Kakashi said. "Can I see him?"

   Obito stopped glaring, "I knew you cared!"

   "Shut up," Kakashi said.

   I laughed, "he's in his room."

   Kakashi's POV
I knocked on the door and waited. I entered when I heard nothing. Naruto was staring at the ceiling, he didn't look at me.

   "So you're really back."

   He said nothing.

   "What happened?"

   He ignored me.

   "I heard you found out."


   "Obito and Rin really love you."

   Still nothing.

   "Give them another chance."

   He rolled in his bed, giving his back to me.

   "This isn't you."

   "Shut up." He finally said.

   I was taken aback by his cold and harsh tone. "You-"

   "I said shut up."

   I shut my mouth.


   Two minutes later, I said, "you can't keep doing this."

   "I can."

   I sighed, this was the reason I couldn't get along with the kid. I tried. But he already hates me for who knows why. "I'll tell Sasuke you're back." Sasuke was the only one he'd talk to, at least that much I knew.

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