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John left, and a man appeared in front of me, holding a glass. 

"You were quite rude earlier..." He smirked, inching closer to me. "Turns out you're quite close to that guy John, huh?"

"Not that close." I stepped back. He chuckled. 

"Fucking isn't close enough for you?" 

I shivered at the bluntness of his words. 

I glared at him and walked away. And just like John had done earlier, that guy grabbed my arm, but his grasp was much tighter. 

"Really? You're going to have to learn to speak to me differently, princess." He kissed my neck and I pushed him away from me abruptly. 

"Don't touch me!" I snarled. "I'm going home. And you can tell John to go fuck himself!" I pulled as hard as I could, but he wouldn't let go. He stared at me with an alarmingly calm expression, his eyes however stern and authoritative. 

"You don't have a home to go to, Jade." 

"Just let me-"

"301 17th street South East."

I stopped struggling at once. I was frozen. Paralyzed. He knew my real name, and my real home address. 

"Who are you? What do you want?" I melted closer to him, completely lost. He placed his hands on my shoulders. 

"Niall Horan." He said, with a slight smirk. He leaned closer. "And I want you." 

I shyly entered his penthouse in the center of Manhattan, overlooking the city. I was still quite tipsy, and my ability to walk mostly relied upon his arm around my waist. I had no idea why I agreed to follow him here. He left me wondering around his apartment while he fixed us some drinks. He came back with two glasses of champagne, grabbed my hand and led me to a couch. He put the glasses down on a glass coffee table and placed one hand on my thigh, and the other behind my neck. I melted in his arms when his lips grazed my skin. 

"Look at you," he whispered. "So brittle." He bit his lip. 

"I'll admit my clients aren't such smooth talkers." I said. He pulled away slightly, and I could see the frustration in his eyes. 


"Yeah, you know I-"

"Yeah, yeah. Obviously I know that. But, sweetheart, I'm no client..." I furrowed my eyebrows. 

"I'm confused..."

"I want you to be mine."

"What do you mean?" I sat up, away from him, to observe his expressions better. He took a few gulps of champagne.     

"I want you to work for me only. Fulfill my needs whenever I want, and however I want. I want you to obey me on a regular basis. You'll have no one else other than me. In exchange, you get anything you could ever wish for. Shelter, food, and all the luxuries you desire. What do you think?" 

I was silent for a good couple of minutes. 

"That is quite the offer... But all this just to still be a whore?" I felt like crying. I blamed it on the alcohol... I wondered when I could finally stop having to sexually please men to prevent myself from starving. Niall lifted my chin up. I instinctively looked into his eyes as they were boring into mine. 

"I don't think that of you. Besides, this time your only focus should be on me. Think about my offer all you need. You can sleep here tonight." 

As he walked away to what I guessed to be his bedroom, I called his name. 

"I'll do it." 

In a week my life changed entirely. I had my own bedroom in his apartment. He had people over all the time, taking notes on every physical detail about me. He said it was important to know everything about me. I knew he had some sort of file with all the information he collected, but he denied it. Someone came over to get my measurements, and the next day Niall filled my closet with clothes from Gucci, Valentino, Saint Laurent, Chanel... you name it. I met with a gynecologist to make sure I was healthy, which offended me. I kept telling Niall I always used protection, but he wouldn't have it. I guess I understood. I had to start taking birth control. After having every part of my body scrutinized for days, Niall had me sign a ridiculous contract. I wouldn't sign it at first. It basically was a two page document stating that I was his and he reserved every right to my body. 

"Is this really necessary?" I asked, unable to keep my eyes off of the blank that was begging for my signature. "I've only known you for a week." 

Niall put his scotch down and placed his hands on my waist. 

"Yes, you must sign it." He took the contract out of my hands and placed it on the kitchen counter I was leaning against. "But if it helps, let me take you out."

"Shit." Niall muttered as a swarm of paparazzi ran towards us. He grabbed my hand and pulled me against him. I'm not sure what surprised me more: the flashing cameras or his hand holding mine. I knew he didn't mean to do it for romantic purposes, but it felt kind of nice. 

They kept calling his name, and shoving their cameras in our faces. Niall was silent as he led me the best he could. We finally reached a small Irish pub, and the paparazzi were forced to leave. 

"Place is empty," I said as we walked in. I was surprised because it was 9PM. 

"Yeah, they closed it down for us." He winked. We were in complete privacy, sitting opposite of each other at a booth, sipping our beers. He asked me a series of questions, ranging from favorite color to my aspirations in life. I had him explain to me why we were followed by paparazzi, and he told me about his band. 

"This is nice, thank you." I bit my lip and smiled. 

"What is? The beer here is terrific." 

"No," I giggled. "Talking." 

"You say it like you're not used to it." 

"Not really." 

"Come on. Not even a boyfriend? A girl like you must have had guys begging for a date." She joked, but led to an awkward silence. The irony of the situation was painfully real, and he knew it.

"I've never been in a relationship." I finally declared. I felt extremely embarrassed for some reason. He must have had tons of girlfriends in the past, meanwhile I was inexperienced. Not that I needed experience in that field... All I had to do was be sexually desirable. 

"You're not missing out on much, trust me." I noticed him roll his eyes before he chugged down the rest of  his beer. I smiled. Maybe he was right. Who knows. 

We continued talking for a while, and naturally we couldn't avoid the burning hot topic that led us here in the first place. 

"I hope this helped... guide you." 

"What makes you think I'm even good? I mean, that's what you want out of me. You're willing to do all this without the slightest knowledge-" Not realizing Niall had left his seat, his thumb was suddenly pressing against my lips.

"Shut up," he whispered. "Come with me now." 


I'm going to have fun with this story! I just got my nails done (fake gel) and it's soo hard to type! Anyways, hope you guys liked this chapter! Please comment and vote, it makes me really happy! <3

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