Chapter 27: Christmas...Cheer?

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Much to my surprise, I was flying home with Remi to visit our families. After saying our goodbyes at the Airport, we were off to the West Coast.


After the girls had left to go through security, I turned to Harry and wrapped him in a hug."You finally asked her to be with you! It's about time!"

"Whatever," Harry shrugged pulling away from me.

"Aw you are just embarrassed!"  Louis prodded him. We were now the only ones left, Harry was waiting for his mum, and Louis' parents were going to pick us up to head to their home.

"Just drop it ok. Please, I really don't want to think about anything girl related this Christmas. You know how the paparazzi is." Harry sighed and pushed his hair back in frustration.

He was right after all. Fans were already whispering around us in excited chatter.

"Well Goodbye Harry, have a good Christmas, and for Goodness sake, don't be stupid like you were last year," I smiled sympathetically.

"I'll try to keep my anger under control but my step father is disapointed in my carreer. That doesn't settle well with me. He should be proud."


As I walked outside, I saw the familiar black car waiting for me.

"Mum! "I exclaimed as she smiled warmly at me. Gosh I loved her. I pulled her into an awkward hug. As much as loved her, she hadn't seen me in three months.

"Harry! How long are you staying?" My horrid step- father stepped out of the car. This pick up just got a billion times worse.

"Until the day before New Year's Eve," I mumbled, slamming my luggage into the trunk. Why was he always trying to get into my life and try to act like my best friend? Clearly, we were never going to get that far.

"That's great sweetheart! Let's go home so we can set up for dinner," My mum cleared the tension between us.

Every Christmas Eve we always have an extravagant dinner with both sides of the family. That means I would be forced to chew turkey and green beans with Travis. My ugly step brother was going to be sitting right next to me. I hated him so much, he brought a different girl every year, and he would post a different picture online every other week. Sometimes I just wanted to show him that even though I was touring the world didn't mean that I hadn't found someone. Because I'm pretty sure last night I did, but I couldn't get her to come over.

I didn't want Isabella there with me just so I could one up my stupid brother, I wanted her to meet my family, and I missed her already. She seemed to want to take it slow, but I wanted to get us going before the media ruined her.

This was going to be a long night, but tomorrow I was going to spend time with my actual family.


"I'm so glad you decided to come home with me," I smiled at the apprehensive girl sitting next to me.

"First of all, my family is living here for a while to experience some weird science climatic change from Australia," Ella rolled her eyes at me.

"And what if your family hates my family? I only told my mom last night that I was bringing someone with me to Christmas dinner, and she didn't seem too happy to hear it," She bit on her fingernails, a nervous habit I had grown to like over the past weeks.

"Look. My family is going to love you," I reassured her by lacing her fingers with mine over the space separating us in the car.

"And who wouldn't love this face?" Her smile was coming out, but it wasn't reaching her eyes.

I Fell in Love...With Harry Styles!? (A One Direction Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now