Minami X Reader (Falling [for you])

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Requested by Animexisxmylife

Y/n's pov

I was at my older sister's skating competition and just standing around being bored out of my mind. The women competed tomorrow but she dragged me her today cause J.J. was here. No one was actually on the ice yet and they wouldn't be for another 20 minutes or so. I walked away from my fangirling sister to find this pretty cute boy with a red and orange hair. He was my way so  I tried to move out of the way but it was like I was his target. This boy ended up crashing into my arms.

"Hi! I'm Minami, I'm competing next I just thought that you were really cute and I had to introduce myself before you left here." He seemed like, a really cute far away nut up close he got better in every way.

"Hey, I'm Y/n, My older sister is competing tomorrow in the women's competition, and your very cute yourself." I started to reach my hand out to grab his but instead he hugged me.

"Do you skate?" He let go and looked at me with eager eyes.

"Just a little, I'm not as good as my sister though."

"I could teach you! After the competitions, after hours when no one is here!" He had this excitement in his voice that I giggled at.

"I'd like that, I'll see you....?"

"Meet me here at 9, I'll be here at 8:30 to open the place and get it ready!" He practically bounced away from me before I could say bye or okay. Minami stopped in his tracks and looked back at me."

"CHEER FOR ME Y/N-CHAN!!!" He was so damn cute and didn't care that people were staring...he was an interesting skater.

------time skip to 9------(still ur pov)

I was at the entrance of the place and the lights were on inside so I figured the door was unlocked and let myself in. I saw Minami skating on the ice, he hadn't noticed me so I watched his blades on the ice. I was used to just watching my sister skate but he was different, he danced with just childish grace, it was hard to explain. I got closer to the rink so that he might notice me. I stood at the edge and he still hadn't noticed me. I giggled at this.

"Hey Minami!" I waved at him trying to get his attention. He had a serious face while he was skating but when he saw me his face lit up so bright I thought his smile would blind me (but it already wounded me)

"Y/N-CHAN!!!" Minami skated over to me and gave me a hug over the railing. I couldn't help but giggle at his actions.

"come on y/n, lets get you skates!" After I got the skates on I wen on the ice. I knew how to skate just not all those cool moves like Minami or my sister. He held my hand and we sorta just spun in place for a while as we laughed. as we were spinning I guess I lost my balance and I fell on top of Minami.

"I'm sooo sorry I fell on you" I was sorta panicking but stopped when he started laughing.

" I'm glad I made you fall for me already." he laughed even harder and I started to a well.

"Yeah, I'm glad too." we subtly stopped laughing and looked into each other's eyes and shared a sweet passionate kiss that turned into a make out session. I knew my relationship with this guy would be like no other.


I hope you guys enjoyed this, I'm not a huge fan of Minami but I couldn't turn down a request and I never will. ~Sophie

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